The Power of Local Litter Picking

The Power of Local Litter Picking

Litter at Fraisthorpe (c) Cate Holborn

In our quest to protect our marine environment, we often overlook the power of small, local actions. This includes accessible activities like picking up litter. While it might be tempting to travel hours to join a beach clean (who doesn’t love an excuse for a day at the coast with an ice-cream), you don’t need to journey far to make a significant impact.

80% of marine litter comes from land-based sources finding its way into streams, rivers or drains and ending up in the ocean, where it causes problems for ecosystems and sea life. By reducing the litter in your local streets, rivers and parks, we can significantly decrease the amount of waste that ultimately reaches the ocean.

Regularly clearing litter in your own community, is just as important, if not more so, than traveling long distances to preserve marine environments and protect aquatic life from pollution.

Litter on a grassy ground and a litter picker stick is in shot coming down to pick it up

Litter at Spurn (c) Cate Holborn

By reducing the distance you go to litter pick, you cut down on carbon emissions and the use of resources associated with long-distance travel. This means your effort to clean up the environment isn’t counteracted by the pollution generated from getting to a distant location. Walking or biking to a nearby park or beach for a litter pick is an eco-friendly choice that aligns with the very principles of environmental conservation.

Local clean ups also help to foster a sense of community. When neighbours come together to tackle a common problem, it strengthens social bonds and encourages collective responsibility. You get to meet like-minded individuals who care about the environment, share stories, and build networks. This sense of community can lead to more regular and sustained efforts in keeping the area clean, as people feel a stronger connection to the place they live in and the people they share it with.

The positive changes you make are visible in your everyday life – cleaner streets, parks, and waterways that you and your family use regularly, improving the aesthetic appeal of your neighbourhood.

Family litter-picking on grassy gorund carrying bags and wearing coats.

Family litter picking - Shutterstock

You don’t need to go far to make a difference. Local litter picking is an excellent way to contribute to environmental conservation, build community, and see the immediate benefits of your efforts. So, grab a pair of gloves and a bag, and head out to your local spaces!