How we are funded

How we are funded

Our accounts

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is a charity (and therefore not-for-profit) which means every penny raised is spent on delivering our charitable work - nature conservation in Yorkshire. As a charity we do not make a profit like a commercial business. 

We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator.

Our income

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust receives two main types of income: restricted (for specific projects) and unrestricted (for the ongoing delivery of our charitable objectives). It is important to distinguish between these two types of income. The vast majority of grant schemes restrict their funding and if we are successful in securing funding, we are completely restricted to spending it on the items as dictated by the funding contract. If we choose to spend the money on something else, we would be in breach of our contract and would have to return the money.

The Trust draws on a variety of funding sources to cover the costs of conservation projects, education and awareness work, and to manage our network of nature reserves.

Income for 2019-2020

Our total income was £8.7m for the year, which included increases of nearly £1m from donations and legacies. Our charitable activity income from grants and subsidies fell by almost £1m.


Unrestricted income

This type of income is extremely important because the Trust can use it wherever the need is greatest to help protect local wildlife. Sources of unrestricted income include:

• Membership subscriptions from more than 45,000 individuals and 38 corporations
• Gifts in wills
• Donations in memory
• Support from over 150 local businesses
• General donations
• Support from players of People's Postcode Lottery and Vine House Farm

During 2019-2020 membership income increased by 5.0% to £1.3 million. The Trust was also extremely fortunate to receive £0.96m in legacies and £0.23m of support from the People’s Postcode Lottery.

Restricted income

The Trust receives 80% of its restricted income from grant funders, public bodies and partner organisations; this is related to the delivery of specific projects. Sources of restricted funding include:

  • Peoples Postcode Lottery
  • The National Lottery
  • Landfill Communities Fund
  • Natural England
  • Environment Agency
  • Local authorities

Expenditure 2019-2020

The vast majority of our expenditure (87%) is on delivery of conservation for the benefit of wildlife, across our Living Landscapes and Living Seas. Of this, 24% goes on inspiring people through education and engagement which is critical to ensure the next generation values nature so that wildlife is conserved into the future.

We spend around 8% of our total expenditure on fundraising, including supporting and growing our loyal membership and volunteering programme, and communicating our vital work to wider audiences to inspire increased action for wildlife

• Our Living Landscapes work includes both conservation projects and nature reserve management, whereas our Living Seas work includes projects and campaigning.

• Inspiring and involving people includes education, events, communications and public affairs.

To run an organisation like this costs money, so some also goes into running costs. This includes expenditure on rent and property costs, providing IT to support our operations and vehicles to deliver our conservation activities.