Business membership

Autumn tree and river

Invest in wildlife for a greener business

Become a business member

Becoming a business member of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust invests not only in wildlife and wild places, but your business too. It can boost your brand, help reduce workplace stress, demonstrate your commitment to the environment and reach new audiences and customers.

You will become part of a cohort of like-minded Yorkshire businesses who are helping to capture carbon, reduce flooding, reintroduce species, protect wildlife and restore wild places. You will also receive a huge range of benefits from use of our logo, to promotional opportunities in our emails, and magazine and across our social media, to complimentary wellbeing walks for your staff.

We'd love to chat to you about how you can get involved and support Yorkshire's wildlife - please email or call 01904 659570 to start the conversation.

Get in touch today

3/4 of millennials consider a company’s social and environmental commitments when deciding where to work and nearly two-thirds won’t take a job if a potential employer doesn’t have strong corporate social responsibility practices.
Starling murmuration at sunset

(c) Steve Wilson

Why become a business member?

Environmental concerns are increasingly influencing consumer, employee and investor behaviours. This provides a fantastic opportunity for businesses with sustainable and ethical business models, clear CSR policies and transparent reporting to stand out from the crowd.

By joining Yorkshire Wildlife Trust as a business supporter you are more likely to attract an increasing market of ethically minded consumers, the top talent coming through universities and more discerning investors

Your benefits

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has 47,000 individual members and just under 1,000 active volunteers. Our quarterly member’s magazine, Wildlife Yorkshire, is distributed to over 90,000 supporters per annum and circulated throughout Yorkshire to businesses, cafes, visitor centres and more. We have active and growing social media platforms with over 60,000 followers across Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

We have three levels of membership - bronze, silver and gold, with increasing levels of benefits to your organisation.

Bronze membership

Acknowledgement in:

  • Corporate email newsletter
  • Company name in text in our membership magazine once per year (readership in excess of 45,000)
  • Annual Reports
  • Name and link to your website on our website

Social media opportunities

Six membership cards (for free entry and parking at Wildlife Trust reserves where fees apply)

One copy of our Yorkshire Reserve guidebook

Five copies of our membership magazine

Option to join pre-planned employee mindfulness walks

20% discount on Wild Work Days once per year

Invite to exclusive corporate events

Silver membership

Acknowledgement in:

  • Corporate email newsletter
  • Medium logo in our membership magazine once per year (readership in excess of 45,000)
  • Annual Reports
  • Small logo and link to your website on our website

Social media opportunities

Use of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust logo (print and digital)

Membership plaque

Six membership cards (for free entry and parking at Wildlife Trust reserves where fees apply)

One copy of our Yorkshire Reserve guidebook

10 copies of our membership magazine

Option to join pre-planned employee mindfulness walks

20% discount on Wild Work Days three times per year

Invite to exclusive corporate events

Gold membership

Acknowledgement in:

  • Corporate email newsletter
  • Large logo in our membership magazine once per year (readership in excess of 45,000)
  • Annual Reports
  • Large logo and link to your website on our website

Social media opportunities

Use of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust logo (print and digital)

Membership plaque

Six membership cards (for free entry and parking at Wildlife Trust reserves where fees apply)

One copy of our Yorkshire Reserve guidebook

20 copies of our membership magazine

One personalised tailor-made wellbeing walk event per year, plus option to join pre-planned employee mindfulness walks

20% discount on Wild Work Days at all times

Free half day room hire at one of our flagship centres, subject to availability

Invite to exclusive corporate events

Table of benefits for business membership (accessible link below)
Members of GB railfreight team

Case study: GB Railfreight

Discover how business membership has helped GB Railfreight make a huge difference for wildlife and for their staff...

Read their story

Read our brochure

Read through our brochure online or download it today to discover more about becoming a business member.

Treboom and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust staff with bottles of Myricale ale

A big thank you... all of our existing supporters!

You are protecting, restoring and campaigning for Yorkshire’s wildlife and wild places, from helping to re-establish and restore historic dew ponds across the Yorkshire Wolds, to restoring carbon capturing peatlands, to helping Bradford’s urban residents to rediscover and protect their wild places.

Our supporters

Get in touch

If you have any questions about corporate membership, or you'd like to go ahead and secure membership for your business, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Call: 01904 659570