Yorkshire Wildlife Trust blog

(c) Tom Blackwell

Our latest stories, tips and features on all things wildlife and all things Yorkshire.


Tufted ducks at sunset

Wintering ducks

Winter is the best time to celebrate the weird and wonderful world of Yorkshire ducks...

Starling murmuration at sunset

Our darling starling

Andy Dalton, Gateway Manager at Potteric Carr nature reserve, tells us why the humble starling is worthy of closer look…

Giant hogweed

The root of the problem

With names that wouldn’t be out of place in a Harry Potter novel, meet some of the UK’s most persistent plants! John tells us how to spot them, and what to do once you have...

Potteric Carr

Volunteers record success

Jim hails the success of our volunteers and what they allow us to achieve at Potteric Carr nature reserve

Man with binoculars at Spurn Lighthouse

Connecting the Yorkshire Nature Triangle

In the fourth and final part of her blog, Helen describes how the Yorkshire Nature Triangle joined up all the dots to put East Yorkshire on the wildlife watching map.
