A wild world shaped by water: a visit to Wheldrake Ings
The marsh harrier glides low over the watery landscape – a big, powerful predator on the hunt for a meal. In a few slow wing beats it’s above the reedbed. Then it swoops down...
(c) Tom Blackwell
Our latest stories, tips and features on all things wildlife and all things Yorkshire.
The marsh harrier glides low over the watery landscape – a big, powerful predator on the hunt for a meal. In a few slow wing beats it’s above the reedbed. Then it swoops down...
Winter at Staveley: mist drifting across the fields; water droplets glistening on twigs; patches of ice lurking in the ponds and lakes.
We watch in anticipation as the sun sinks slowly behind a tree: when the flaming, pale-yellow ball finally drops out of sight, the show – hopefully - will begin.
Summer is giving way to autumn. Clusters of deep red berries nestle among the green leaves of the hawthorn hedges. If you look closely, there are other colours hidden here too – blue, brown and…
I’ve been at Ledsham Bank an hour already and I’ve only managed to walk a couple of hundred metres from the entrance. The problem is there’s so much to see, so much to photograph.
As summer draws to a close, it heralds the end of a period of frantic activity which has seen Potteric Carr’s birds striving to raise the next generation.
You can find wildlife pretty much anywhere…sometimes you just need to stop and look.
As winter gives way to spring, a battle is raging in a field at Potteric Carr.
A spectacular performance with a cast of thousands and plenty of edge-of-the seat jeopardy: one of nature’s great shows is being staged at Potteric Carr this winter.
Witch’s hat…woolly milkcap…earth star…shaggy parasol…poison pie – wonderfully descriptive names rooted in the folklore of the countryside.