Blog: Jon Traill

(c) Tom Blackwell

Our latest stories, tips and features on all things wildlife and all things Yorkshire.


Water vole

Protecting Yorkshire's water voles

Water voles once thrived throughout the country and could be found on nearly every waterway in Britain. But within less than 50 years populations have plummeted by a shocking 90% - becoming one of…

Zebra spider (c) Jon Traill

Dancing zebras

Walking past the shed door, a flicker of movement caught my eye, the late afternoon sunshine illuminating the streaky brown paintwork and flaking woodwork

Bullhead © Jack Perks

The miller's thumb

Standing knee deep in a babbling brook, my eyes focussed through the ripples of water that surround me as I scan the gravel bed for signs of life.

Female roe deer (c) Jon Traill

Early morning dew

Hot and humid, stillness all around as the quiet morning of a late summer day unfolds.

Brown trout in closeup © Alexander Mustard/2020VISION

Crystal clear

There is nothing as pleasurable as sitting in a sunny spot, with the crystal clear cool waters of a chalk stream rolling by.

Kiplingcotes Chalk Pit - Jono Leadley

A blaze of dancing colour

One of the closest Yorkshire Wildlife Trust reserves to my home is the magical Kiplingcotes Chalk Pit.

Water shrew © Niall Benvie/2020VISION

A watery encounter

I am very lucky to be able to spend time in quiet, secluded locations where wildlife encounters occur. I always carry a camera and this often pays dividends when least expected.

Hummingbird hawk-moth © Derek Moore

Hawks and hummingbirds

A vibrant blast of violet shouts out alongside a whitewashed wall, the strong evening sunshine highlighting the colour contrast, picking out the shadows as another day drifts to a restful dusk.…

Common pipistrelle © Tom Marshall

Creatures of the night...

A knock on the door and a request for help yesterday led to an unexpected close encounter with an often seen aerial acrobat
