Influencing policy

Frosty sunset landscape

(c) Jon Hawkins

Influencing policy

We campaign and lobby Parliament to get the best outcomes for wildlife in Yorkshire and across the UK in partnership with The Wildlife Trusts. We speak with stakeholders, politicians and decision-makers to ensure nature's voice is heard. Below are the key conservation issues we are currently working on.

Key Conservation Issues


Yorkshire Wildlife Trust believes all forms of energy generation will entail some environmental costs and that the risks and benefits associated with each need to be weighed against each other and considered in the context of location and scale. Fracking presents environmental risks to wildlife and society. In the dash for shale gas, we have particular concerns that this is running ahead of effective regulations to minimise and eliminate the serious risks. To find out more about fracking in Yorkshire and how you can help, click here.


Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is very concerned about the impact current plans for High Speed 2 Railway (HS2) would have on wildlife. To find out more and read our response, click here.

Hen Harrier Persecution

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is totally opposed to the illegal persecution of all wildlife including hen harriers. The Trust is deeply concerned that this iconic bird, so evocative of our uplands, is on the brink of extinction. Find out more here.


Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is opposed to the badger cull and will not permit culling on our land. For more information on badger culling click here


Yorkshire Wildlife Trust believes that the use of neonicotinoids in the UK presents an unacceptable risk to insect pollinator populations and ecosystem health. We oppose its use. For more information click here

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