Discovering Low Wood
Telling our Story volunteer Sara joined the YWT Low Wood Supporter’s Group on a woodland maintenance day in August. Although smaller in size, she found a reserve packed with interest and a…
Telling our Story volunteer Sara joined the YWT Low Wood Supporter’s Group on a woodland maintenance day in August. Although smaller in size, she found a reserve packed with interest and a…
With three types of grassland close together, sporting a profusion of plants, early summer at Maltby Low Common is paradise for insects and botanists
Would you like to get stuck into some outdoor conservation work?
Join us for a day of practical conservation and reserve management tasks at Low Wood, an attractive, secluded woodland…
Would you like to spend time in the fresh air whilst carrying out vital checks on our grazing cattle to make sure they're in fine fettle? We’re looking for someone to visit Low Carr Farm…
This secluded canal-side spot offers a tranquil escape from the bustle of urban Keighley and Bradford, while the cliffs above it provide cracking glimpses of the Aire valley.
Given the choice of a day on the beach looking under rocks at Filey or a slightly different day at a more secret Yorkshire gem, telling our story volunteer Howard Roddie chose to put his wellies…
Given the choice of a day on the beach looking under rocks at Filey or a slightly different day at a more secret Yorkshire gem, Telling our Story Volunteer Howard Roddie chose to put his wellies…
The thick topshell is a common sight on rocky shores in Wales and South West England.
The beautiful pink and white bands of a Painted topshell make it easy to see where this little sea snail got its name!
Also known as the flat topshell, these are one of the most common and colourful sea snails you are likely to see when out on a rockpool safari!
The marsh harrier glides low over the watery landscape – a big, powerful predator on the hunt for a meal. In a few slow wing beats it’s above the reedbed. Then it swoops down...
These globe-spanning seabirds can often be seen offshore in autumn, shearing low over the waves.