Spinny's new home
Help Spinny find the perfect place to live and meet the neighbours along the way!
Read the whole story of Spinny the spider from the story trail at Potteric Carr nature reserve.
male Siskin © Allen Holmes 2019
‘Why hello there! Who are you?’ asks Spinny.
‘I’m Romy the robin! Welcome to my home. What are you looking for?’ chirps Romy.
‘I’m looking for a new home’, says Spinny, ‘Your house seems nice. Why do you like living here?’
‘Well thank you! I love my house. It’s made of different shrubs and trees. It’s perfect for me because it’s dense, protective and full of food’ whistles Sam.
‘I’m glad it’s a good house for you!' replies Spinny. ‘But it’s too prickly for me. I’m searching for a home where I’ll be comfy!’

Great Crested Newt eating a dragonfly © Darren Ward 2019
‘Why hello there! Who are you?’ asks Spinny
‘Excuse me, little spider! You’re disturbing my sleep!’ gurgles Niko the newt from under a nearby log.
‘Oh, sorry, Niko! I’m trying to find a new home’, says Spinny timidly, ‘Do you like living here?’
‘Of course I do! It’s the perfect home for me because I need shelter from predators and water to keep my skin damp’ says Niko.
‘I’m glad you like it here!’ replies Spinny. ‘But it’s too wet for me. I’m searching for a home where I’ll be dry!’
Roe Deer © Allen Holmes 2019
“Oh hey' barks Dell the roe deer. ‘What brings you in to my woodland home, little Spinny?’
‘I’m trying to find a new home’, says Spinny. ‘Do you like living here Dell?’
“I sure do’ smiles Dell. ‘It’s perfect for me as I can camouflage myself among the trees and shrubs and I like to sleep here with my friends too.’
‘I’m glad you like it here!’ replies Spinny. ‘But it’s too dark for me. I’m searching for a home where the light will attract tasty insects to my web!’

Water vole © Terry Whittaker/2020VISION
‘What was that?!’ cries Spinny
‘I am sorry’ gurgles Victor the water vole. ‘This is my watery home in the drain - I like channels of water you see, and love to splash!’
‘I am trying to find a home’ says Spinny, ‘what do you like about your home, Victor?’
‘Oh it’s wonderful, I pop out of my burrow in the morning and have a nice swim. I’ve got to watch out as there are some dangers in the water too.’
‘That sounds a bit dangerous for me! I am searching for a home where I will be safe!'

Grass Snake © Barrie Shilton 2019
Wet woodland
‘Ahhh, this place looks mysterious. I wonder if anyone lives here?’ questions Spinny.
‘Yessss, I dooo’ whispers Gemima the grass snake.
‘Hi! I’m Spinny the spider, I am looking for a home. Do you like living here?’
‘I do! I hunt here for my favourite foods, like amphibians and eggs’ says Gurtrude. ‘I like to slither around in the sunshine here, otherwise I would be too cold.’
‘I’m glad you like it here!’ replies Spinny. ‘But it’s too spooky for me. I’m searching for a home where I’ll be happy!’

Water rail - credit Pam Jones
‘Why hello!’ shouts Spinny into the marsh. ‘Who are you?’
‘I’m Winonah the water rail’ sounds a high-pitched voice. ‘What are you doing here?’
‘I heard this squealing noise, it must have been you!’ says Spinny. ‘Do you like living here in the marsh, Winonah?’
‘I love it here in the marsh. It’s the perfect home for me because it’s quite mysterious and there are loads of different animals to keep me company. It’s a bit damp, but I don’t mind that.’
‘It looks too damp for me!’ says Spinny. ‘I am looking for a home where I will be warm!’

Water shrew © Jon Traill
‘Oh, you surprised me there, Sydney shrew! Is this your home?’
‘Yes, this is my home!’ squeaks Sydney. ‘I like to scurry through the tussocks of grass and flowers.’
‘I love flowers!’ says Spinny.
‘Well, I’m really small you see. These tall grasses and flowers are great to run through and also provide plenty of tasty meals like worms and slugs. I need to eat nearly my body weight every day!’
‘Oh wow! Well, this looks like the perfect home for you Sydney but it's too breezy for me. I’m searching for a home where my web won't snap in the wind!’

‘Shhh, be quiet, or you'll give me away!’ booms Brooke the bittern to Spinny the spider.
‘Ooops, sorry Brooke, I’m rushing to find a home. Do you like it here?'
‘Why, yes I do, it’s my favourite place to be. I can disappear into the reedbeds and surprise my prey. My golden feathers make it very hard for anything to see me while I’m here’
‘I’m glad you like it here!’ replies Spinny. ‘But it’s too tall for me. I’m searching for a home with small spaces where I can hide!’