As you make your way through the beautiful lowland bog, fluffy cotton-grass and carpets of sphagnum, it's hard to tell to the untrained eye just how degraded the bog is through peat degradation and extraction, and even after years of wonderful restoration, just how far it still has to go. Hatfield and Thorne moors, our main sites so far, are lowland raised bog, a habitat of which nearly 94% has been destroyed or damaged in the UK.
In order to protect and restore this amazing landscape you need two main things: the right water levels and the right vegetation. This makes sure that the peat does not give off CO2 and has the right conditions to be able to grow and thrive. When a peatland is working well peatland can store an amazing amount of carbon, the world peatlands store vast amounts of carbon, twice as much carbon as all the worlds forests!
For instance, Belton Moor at the North of Hatfield was full of scrub, over twenty feet high in places, which was sucking up a lot of the water out of the peat. It also has a series of ‘grips’, shallow channels put in by the people removing peat to help the water move off site so they could remove the peat. To combat this we first removed about 90% of the scrub, leaving important areas for Nightjar, a bird we have an internationally important breeding site for, making it a Special Protection Area (SPA) under the European Birds Directive.