Your journey to help us save these incredible birds begins right here!
We're sharing everything you need to learn about and be inspired by our charismatic clowns of the sea, from crafty activities to top spotting tips. We'd love for you to get stuck in and spread the word about how amazing they are!
Learning all about puffins is the first step in understanding how we can protect them and their home. Here’s everything you need to get started… (and get crafty too!)

(c) Lynne Newton
Yorkshire Puffin Festival
Our Puffin Protector Pack was created as part of the Yorkshire Puffin Festival.
Thank you to everyone who joined our puffin festival at Flamborough Cliffs Nature Reserve this year to help make it a great success!
Download your puffin-tastic pack!

How you can protect puffins from home...
Puffins need our help: the global climate emergency, pollution and exploitation of our seas are all impacting on puffin population numbers. By making choices in our daily lives, we can all make a positive difference and help protect our wildlife and wild places.
We've put together a handy checklist for what exactly you can do to help from home - it's as easy as pick up, pack up and picket...!
Pin it to the fridge or notice board to keep you and your friends and family inspired – and let us know when you’ve ticked off all three actions!

Pick up
Whether you have two minutes or an hour to spare, picking up litter is an active way that you can help puffins - marine pollution is one of the biggest threats to our ocean’s health. Every piece of litter collected makes a difference, whether it's on the beach, next to a river or in a town. Get your friends, family, school or community involved!
Pack up
Avoiding single-use plastic is another way to help puffins and a great way to start is with your packed lunch! Sadly 20,000 tonnes of plastic is dumped in the North Sea each year and 40% of plastic produced is just used once then thrown away. There are lots of different plastic-free ways you can buy, make and wrap your food!

Stand up for what you believe in and be a voice for puffins! To make big changes – including the creation and protection of nature reserves out at sea (Marine Protected Areas) – we need the help of the Government and MPs. Our voices can have a difference on the issues we care about, from writing to our local MPs to supporting campaigns.

Do you like to clown around? Have lots of character and wear flamboyant, colourful clothes? Maybe you’re excellent at swimming or good at finding nooks and crannies to hide in?
To celebrate the Yorkshire Puffin Festival, we are looking for people who capture the spirit of Yorkshire's most colourful seabird.
Channel your inner puffin to win your very own puffin protector kit featuring reusable and wildlife-friendly goodies. Just share your photos and/or videos with us on social media or send an email to to be in with a chance to win.
*see terms and conditions here
And there's more...
Proudly supported and funded by local BID businesses