A World of Wonder Amongst the Waves
Yorkshire’s coastline stretches 152km, reaching 22km out to sea. This rich and diverse marine environment is home to incredible wildlife and habitats.
Our sea and shoreline are home to wildlife of national and European importance; from minke whales and harbour porpoises to lobsters, crabs, and colourful kelp forests, our sea and rocky shores are full of life. Thousands of seabirds also visit Yorkshire’s coast every year to breed and raise their chicks

Our Vision for Yorkshire's Seas
For over a decade, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has worked to protect marine wildlife and habitats. We aim to:
- Help marine wildlife recover and ensure our use of the sea is sustainable;
- Support nature as it adapts to a changing climate, while our oceans help slow climate change;
- Inspire people to value marine life and understand how the sea improves our lives.
Discover our marine conservation work

Flock of northern gannets (Morus bassanus) feeding in the wake of the pelagic trawler "Charisma." Shetland Isles. October 2011. - Chris Gomersall/2020VISION
You can help turn the tide
With your help we can ensure that the future of our North Sea is cleaner, wilder and richer.