First-ever report reveals Yorkshire’s pivotal role for UK wildlife

First-ever report reveals Yorkshire’s pivotal role for UK wildlife

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust have today (5th June) published the first-ever State of Yorkshire’s Nature report, which for the first time gives an accurate insight into how the whole of Yorkshire’s nature is faring.

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust have today (5th June) published the first-ever State of Yorkshire’s Nature report, which for the first time gives an accurate insight into how the whole of Yorkshire’s nature is faring – and, crucially, where action is now needed to create healthier, resilient and more abundant landscapes.

Yorkshire is not immune to the UK-wide nature crisis, where 1 in 6 of our species are now assessed as being at risk. Today’s report concludes that the declines here are similar to those that are happening across the UK, but for the first time identifies which species in Yorkshire are declines and which are increasing, where and – crucially – why.

The report was compiled and analysed from a number of respected sources and environmental organisations, reflecting years of dedicated and expert monitoring work by a community of species specialists and naturalists.

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust CEO Rachael Bice says;

“Sadly, many of the species we share this amazing county with have been pushed to the brink of collapse. It would be a true tragedy for everyone who calls Yorkshire home if we lost the haunting call of the curlew, the abundance of gannets and puffins on our coastal cliffs, and the uplifting sight of butterflies dancing across our wildflower meadows.

“We are losing what makes Yorkshire so special, and sleepwalking towards homogenised landscapes where only the most common and adaptable species can survive alongside the demands of human life.

“However, I have hope that this new analysis can direct how we can all work together to reverse declines and see our wildlife bounce back – before it is too late.”

Andy Millard, Executive Committee Chairman of Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union who contributed data to the report, says;

“This detailed study into the current status of, and trends in, some of Yorkshire’s iconic wildlife provides vital information for aiding its conservation and should stimulate further studies into our county’s wonderful natural heritage.”

Yorkshire’s diverse landscapes also provide a crucial haven for a staggering two-thirds of the UK’s wildlife species, including some species found nowhere else in the country. Whilst all habitats are important, the report reveals that limestone, wet and marine habitats provide important key opportunities where immediate and dedicated action could have the biggest impact for biodiversity and our native species.

The report also provides important evidence for Yorkshire as a stronghold for some of the UK’s rarest and threatened creatures and plants, meaning we have a particular responsibility to care for wild species including:

  • Birds - 35% of British breeding tree sparrows are found in Yorkshire, and 21% of the breeding population of the UK’s most threatened resident bird species - willow tits. Two thirds of regularly breeding and wintering birds in Britain can be found in Yorkshire.
  • Moths – Yorkshire is the only English county which is home to dark bordered beauty moths. Our county also supports over two-thirds of all British butterfly and moth species.
  • Plants – Yorkshire is the only place in the country where Yorkshire sandwort, thistle broomrape and lady’s slipper orchids are found. Nearly 1,000 species of native flowering plant and fern species are currently known in Yorkshire!

Kevin Walker, Head of Science at Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, who also contributed to the report adds;

“Yorkshire’s State of Nature provides a blueprint for the conservation of Yorkshire biodiversity in the 21st century. At its heart is the data collected by 1000s of volunteers; without their tireless recording we wouldn’t know what is rare or threatened. The report highlights which of these species we need to focus on and why, and how we can restore them at a landscape scale. The BSBI is proud to be part of this endeavour.”

Rachael Bice finishes;

“It is vital that we recognise what makes Yorkshire’s wildlife distinctive, nationally important, and demand the action which will ensure our natural systems and species can flourish alongside us into the future.

“Today’s report is also a testament and credit to the decades of vital recording by our region’s naturalists with their specialist knowledge of wildlife. We must support and maintain this expertise and monitoring activity into the future to ensure we can evaluate if nature is recovering and how we can improve our practice.

“We cannot protect what we do not know and care about.

“Yorkshire has the potential to lead the way nationally and showcase how nature can recover at scale. We can provide the space for the wonderful yet often rare plants and animals we still have here to recover once more, and bring back the wildlife we have lost.

“This latest picture should be a rallying cry for everyone across Yorkshire to play their part and take action for nature locally too.”

The Trust is calling for a widespread movement of change across the region which will be vital if beloved species including swifts and curlew are to recover. This includes a commitment from candidates across all parties in the upcoming Election to protect Yorkshire’s wildlife and habitats, including strong policies for nature recovery and better targeted funding for nature-friendly farming.

Data and insights from the report are already being used by the Mayoral and Combined Authorities who are leading the development of Local Nature Recovery Strategies and it also contains valuable information for policy makers, planners and landowners caring for Yorkshire’s environment.

The Trust has also developed a page of actions on their website to inspire people to help nature locally; from doorstep demands of candidates, showing that nature matters to them, to volunteering with local conservation groups, joining #TeamWilder to drive change in hearts, minds and communities, attending the restore Nature Now march in London 22nd June or taking part in the upcoming Great Yorkshire Creature Count. 

The report and actions can be found at

The State of Yorkshire’s Nature report was created in collaboration with and using data collected from Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI), Butterfly Conservation (BC) and the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union (YNU). The report was also made possible thanks to a generous donation from the Joyce Mary Mountain Will Trust. Data is also available in technical reports soon to be published by the Yorkshire Naturalists Union.