Wildflower meadow at Ledsham Bank Nature Reserve
Marsh orchids are amongst the flowers that bloom in summer.

Little owl © Andy Rouse/2020VISION

Marbled White - (C) Guy Edwardes2020VISION
Ledsham Bank Nature Reserve
Know before you go
Please respect the resident wildlife and keep dogs on a short lead.
When to visit
Opening times
Open all year. We recommend a 1 hour for this reserve, for a longer outing, tie in with our Aire Valley reserves and Lines Way.Best time to visit
June to JulyAbout the reserve
Tucked away in a magnesian limestone valley, Ledsham Bank supports incredible plantlife, including pyramidal and common spotted orchids, autumn lady’s tresses, hoary plantain, yellow-wort, and dyer’s greenweed – rare in Yorkshire. You might be lucky enough to see the extremely rare pasque flower at Easter time. The reserve is fabulous for butterflies, such as marbled white, small and large skipper, comma, and common and holly blue. A mature hedgerow provides food and shelter for winter finches and thrushes – and keep an eye out for little owls.
Contact us
Take Junction 42 off the A1 (M) towards Ledsham/Kippax. Cross the first roundabout and take the first exit onto the A1246 on the second roundabout. Take the first right onto Holyrood Lane, after approximately 800 metres park in the layby on the left. Access to the site is a little further along.
Seasonal Highlights
- Spring: Plants - Cowslip, Holly blue
- Summer: Plants - Centaury, Dyer's Greenwood; Invertebrates - Butterflies - Large skipper and Common blue
- Autumn: Birds - Little owl and Nuthatch
- Winter: Birds - Redwing, Fieldfare and Siskin
Before you go!
Cattle and sheep conservation graze this fragile habitat at certain times of year, so please be careful not to disturb them.

The autumn colours were even more beautiful when the sun came out
Photo Credit - Telling our Story Volunteer, Sara