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Welcome to the home of Migweek 2020
Migweek is an annual event open to the public, celebrating the amazing world of bird migration! Because of the ongoing pandemic, we're doing things differently this year and running our programme virtually - thanks to Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, who are kindly hosting us (online this time!) so we can continue to celebrate and share the wonders of migration here on the glorious Yorkshire coast. Check back soon for updates, and enjoy - It's all free as always!
- Mark Pearson, Migweek Co-ordinator
Due to COVID-19, there will be no public ringing demonstrations or public events this year.
Click on the below to see the full programme.
RSPB Bempton's Migration Trail!
The Autumn Migration trail is a self-guided trail around some of our best migration spots at RSPB Bempton Cliffs. Each of the blackboards has information about some of the top migrants you’re likely to see on the reserve at this time of year, some ID features and a little bit of migration information too. So if you fancy learning about why migration is so amazing, be sure to check out the trail!
Online talks

Whales in Yorkshire? Don't be daft! - Richard Baines
Watch the recording
Wingtips at our fingertips: understanding the complex lives of migratory animals - Stu Mackenzie
Watch the recording
Speaking out about the diversity in birding - Sorrel Lyall
Watch the recording
It's a Hard Nocmig: a beginner's guide to sound recording night migration - Mark Pearson
Watch the recording
50 Years of Change: Seabird monitoring at Flamborough, Bempton and Filey - Dave O'Hara
Watch the recordingSunday, 18th October
8:00am – 10:00am
Global Birding Weekend
Birding Live on Location – Asia, Africa & Europe
Streaming to you from 20+ locations across Asia, Africa and Europe over about 2hrs, you’ll be able to feel what it’s like to go birding in Northern Thailand or the Himalayas, see penguins in South Africa or wader flocks in North Norfolk, and enjoy birding at Flamborough Head with our very own Craig Thomas and much much more.
Sunday, 18th October
2:00pm – 4:00pm
Global Birding Weekend:
Birding Live on Location – North & South America
Streaming to you from North and South America over about 2hrs, you’ll be able to feel what it’s like to go birding in the New World.
Subtitles are available for the particularly windy videos. You just need to click 'Subtitles/captions' in the bottom right hand corner...
Ringing recoveries
Ringing recoveries are birds that are re-caught by licensed ringers over 5km away from where they were originally ringed.