Create and make CREATE AND MAKEMake your own binocularsMake your very own wildlife-watching binoculars using materials you can find around the house! CREATE AND MAKEHow to make a journey stickCarefully gather memories from your journey into nature and create a stick to remember it by! CREATE AND MAKEHow to make a bird feederMake a bird feeder to hang in your garden or out your window and support your local birds! CREATE AND MAKEHow to make a seed bombGet stuck in to making seed bombs and create an explosion of colour in your garden! CREATE AND MAKEHow to make pine cone creaturesCreate some quirky creatures using pine cones and other bits from around the house! CREATE AND MAKEHow to make a cutlery pouchMake a little pouch for your cutlery so you can take your own when you're out and about (and not use plastic!) CREATE AND MAKEHow to make an egg carton crabCreate a little crab from egg cartons... and see what other inspiration comes to you! CREATE AND MAKEHow to do nature weavingCreate beautiful woven patterns from all natural materials Watch and listen Explore and discover Relax and play