A good turnout
Seasons reassuringly reappear, but one year your tree is full of apples and the next there is a single sad specimen. This is nature. We have to work with it. So when Pete Gurney -YWT Reserves Assistant (West) - told me that we could no longer do our planned coppicing blog at Hetchell Wood, just south of Wetherby, we worked with it and decided to cover a Hetchell Wood task day instead. Pete said there was likely to be a good turnout, and when I got there, I soon found out why.
The Team
As I pulled into one of the laybys at the entrance to Hetchell Wood, I could see a lot more activity than I would have expected on a cloudy February Tuesday. Tools were already being unloaded as Pete passed round the register, and there was a lot of chatter from the 20 or so gathering volunteers. I did think this was a lot of volunteers to tackle a wood in the middle of nowhere, but it soon became apparent that this was not just the normal team. The giveaway was when I spotted Elliot Baxendale from the INNS team, who’d brought a team of his volunteers to help during their quiet period, as Invasive Non Native Species hide away at this time of year. Also present were the Lower Aire Valley (LAV) volunteer team. So, three teams working together on one site. Brilliant! But why this site? Well there was a lot to do…