Staveley nature reserve - Fundraising appeal
Help wildlife and people thrive in harmony at Staveley
Staveley Nature Reserve is a wetland oasis, home to hundreds of plants and animals. 30 years of habitat restoration work by the Trust has transformed what was once a gravel pit into a precious place for nature.
Help us to create a place where wildlife and people can thrive together
Staveley should be a vital refuge for Yorkshire’s threatened wildlife, but equally a place where visitors can enjoy a peaceful walk, and appreciate the wonders of the natural world.
If we raise enough funds by Spring 2024, we hope to:
- Build a butterfly bank to encourage rarer species, like the common blue butterfly.
- Re-gravel the lagoon islands, to improve nesting habitat for birds such as tern and avocet.
- Install new handwashing and toilet facilities, allowing us to accommodate educational visits and longer volunteer work days.
- Create a raised dipping pond, so people can get a close up look at the plants, amphibians and insects, such as dragonflies.

As someone who loves Staveley, we need your help to ensure a balance between protecting important habitats, and ensuring our visitors are inspired to love wildlife.

Donate £30
£30 could go towards materials for the new dipping pond, where children can learn about amphibians and insects
Donate £65
£65 could help to build a new butterfly bank, bringing a spectacle of different species to StaveleyDonate £100
£100 could help with the installation of toilet facilities, opening up the possibility of group visits and eventsReserves like Staveley are vital havens for wildlife
At a time when wild places are disappearing, places like Staveley offer a crucial refuge to threatened species. New research from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has revealed that 1 in 4 plant species have declined since before 2000.
At Staveley we have restored 11 hectares of hay meadow to ensure the survival of iconic plant species including;
Bee orchid
Marsh helleborine
Yellow rattle
Ox-eye daisy