Adel Dam wildlife sightings

Adel Dam

Adel Dam wildlife sightings

Daily wildlife sightings at Adel Dam nature reserve, Leeds.

Please send sightings and photos to

March 2020

Jay - AdelDam

Jay - credit Steve Leahy

20th March
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (female), carrion crow, great spotted woodpecker (female), great tit, jay, magpie, moorhen, pheasant (male) and red kite (overhead)
3 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
2 Coal tit
4 Mandarin (three male; one female)
3 Nuthatch
3 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single chiffchaff, coal tit, heron (mercilessly harrassed by greylag), jay, kingfisher, mistle thrush (heard), nuthatch, reed bunting, sparrowhawk (male) and wren (heard)
5 Blue tit
2 Canada goose
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Greylag goose
5 Mallard (all male)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Nuthatch
2 Moorhen
2 Robin
2 Teal (pair)
Also a bank vole

Single red kite and treecreeper
8 Blackbird
2 Great spotted woodpecker
4 Redwing
5 Robin
By the entrance two treecreeper; and two stock dove seen flying from a tree hole there.
On the northern peripheral path three chiffchaff.
On the eastern peripheral path two chiffchaff.

Contributions from DAJ, SB and SL

Chiffchaff - AdelDam

Chiffchaff - credit Dave Johnston

17th March
  Marsh hide

Single blue tit, coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (female), great tit, nuthatch and pheasant (male)
2 Jay
7 Mandarin (four male; three female)
Also a roe deer

  Lake hide
Single chiffchaff (first of the year), coal tit, kestrel (overhead, mobbed by crow),
kingfisher (male), moorhen, reed bunting (male) and teal (male)
3 Blue tit
2 Canada goose (noisily setting up as a pair)
2 Great tit
2 Grey heron (one overhead)
6 Greylag goose (occasionally fighting)
3 Mallard (all male)
2 Mute swan
2 Nuthatch
2 Red kite (disputing the air overhead)
Also a bank vole beneath the feeders

Along the eastern path:
Single bullfinch (male) and jay
8 Redwing
3 Robin
3 Treecreeper
4 Wren
Also lots of frog spawn in the leat

Contributions from CC, DAJ, SB and SL

Stonechat - AdelDam

Stonechat - credit Darren Hemsley

14th March
  Lake hide

Single stonechat seen from the lake hide, possibly first year male

Contribution from DH

Cockpheasant - AdelDam

Cock pheasant - credit Steve Leahy

13th March
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch (female), jackdaw, kingfisher (flying up the stream), magpie, pheasant (female), reed bunting (male in front of the hide) and wren
2 Blackbird (pair)
8 Blue tit (two were investigating box 10 - and defending against an interested great tit)
2 Carrion crow
2 Chaffinch (pair)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair chasing through the trees)
6 Great tit
3 Long-tailed tit
4 Mandarin (two pair)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
2 Robin
4 Stock dove
4 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single chaffinch (female), greylag goose, mallard (male), pheasant (dazzling male) and robin
2 Blackbird (pair)
6 Blue tit
2 Canada goose
3 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
3 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
4 Teal (two pair - one pair were mating)
Also one bank vole

Six herring gull on Cook's field (E side of reserve) and two treecreeper near path on west side

Contributions from AS, CRH and SL

Sparrowhawk - AdelDam

Sparrowhawk (male) - credit Darren Hemsley

9th, 10th, 11th and 12th March
Sparrowhawk (male) seen taking tits from feeders at lake hide

11th March
  Marsh hide

Single redwing

  Lake hide
Single greylag goose
2 Buzzard (overhead)
2 Canada goose
3 Mandarin
5 Red kite (overhead, flying with the buzzard)
6 Teal (three pair)

Contributions from AS, DH, F and  J

Reedbunting - AdelDam

Reed bunting (female) - credit Darren Hemsley

8th March
  Marsh hide

Single chaffinch (female), jackdaw, mistle thrush (heard), moorhen, robin and song thrush (heard)
3 Blue tit
2 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair)
16 Mandarin (ten male; six female)

  Lake hide
Single coal tit, kingfisher, nuthatch, robin and sparrowhawk (male)
4 Blue tit
4 Canada goose
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
4 Great tit
3 Greylag goose (one of which swam animatedly alongside two canadas)
2 Jay
3 Mallard (two male; one female)
4 Moorhen
2 Reed bunting (pair)
3 Teal (two male; one female)

Contributions from CRH, DH and SL

Reedbunting(male) - AdelDam

Reed bunting (male) - credit Darren Hemsley

6th March
  Marsh hide

Single stock dove and woodpigeon
2 Blue tit
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
2 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair, male swimming repeatedly under female during courtship - to positive effect)
6 Mandarin (three pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin
..... and thirteen grey squirrels

  Lake hide
Single black-headed gull, buzzard (overhead), dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (male), jay, kingfisher, magpie, mandarin (male), moorhen, reed bunting (beneath the feeders) and song thrush (heard)
2 Blackbird (pair)
3 Blue tit
2 Canada goose
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
5 Greylag goose
4 Long-tailed tit
2 Mallard (pair)
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin

Single bullfinch (male), two jay and single treecreeper near the leat.

Contributions from SL and visitor (Fiona)

Lon-tailed tit - AdelDam

Long-tailed tit - credit Steve Leahy

5th March
A visitor (PJ) reported two curlew in neighbouring field
Another visitor reported a single grey wagtail at the outflow and a goldcrest

Coaltit - AdelDam

Coal tit - credit Steve Leahy

4th March
  Marsh hide

Single coal tit and nuthatch (both vieing for log feeder access)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male)
5 Mandarin (three male; 2 female)

  Lake hide
Single red kite (overhead) and sparrowhawk (overhead at far side of lake from hide)
4 Buzzard (flying together)
4 Stock dove
5 Teal (three male; two female)

Contributions from visitors AG and Fiona

3rd March
Visitor (Fiona) reported adult kingfisher feeding in reeds on west lake side

2nd March
  Lake hide

Visitors reported great spotted woodpecker and kingfisher showing well

Moorhen - AdelDam

Moorhen - credit Steve Leahy

February 2020


Springs almost here! - credit Chris Hardy

29th February
  Marsh hide

Single carrion crow, dunnock, pheasant (male), redwing, robin and sparrowhawk (male flythrough) 
6 Blue tit (two visiting nestbox 10 close to the hide)
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
7 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair)
11 Mandarin (seven male; four female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove
3 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single robin, sparrowhawk (male perched high in trees to far left of lake for nearly an hour) 
3 Blue tit
3 Great tit
2 Jay (both red kite and magpie mimicry heard plus normal jay!)
8 Mallard (four pair)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
7 Teal (five male; two female)

Contribution from CRH

Greylag goose - AdelDam

Greylag geese - credit Dave Johnston

26th February
Visitors [Ch, Fi, Ge & anon] reported kestrel, kingfisher and three buzzard at the lake hide; also a group of approximately twelve redwing on one of the adjacent fields. Three red kites, bullfinch and sparrowhawk were also seen

25th February
  Marsh hide

Single pheasant (male) and woodpigeon
8 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
6 Great tit
2 Long-tailed tit
8 Mandarin (four pair)
2 Moorhen
3 Robin (scrapping)
2 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single bullfinch (heard), coal tit, dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (male), great tit, kingfisher (flew over), magpie (overhead) and nuthatch
5 Blue tit
2 Goosander (pair fishing successfully)
2 Greylag goose (pair looking at nesting sites on the island)
2 Jay
2 Kestrel (pair overhead)
3 Long-tailed tit
5 Mallard (four male; one female)
4 Mandarin (two pair)
2 Moorhen
3 Red kite
2 Robin
3 Teal (two male; one female)
Also three bank vole

Nuthatch, robin, stock dove, blue tit(6), coal tit(2) and great tit(9) at the entrance hut

Contributions from DAJ and SL

Pheasant - Adel Dam

Pheasant(m) - credit Chris Hardy

24th February   reserve very wet from rain and melting snow
  Marsh hide
Single coal tit, dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (male) and magpie
4 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (male and female)
6 Great tit
8 Mandarin (five male; three female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
3 Robin
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (female), coal tit, goldcrest (seen several times flitting through the willows in far left corner of the lake), great spotted woodpecker (male), jay, magpie and red kite
8 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (pair)
10 Carrion crow (flew over lake)
2 Dunnock
4 Great tit
4 Long-tailed tit
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin
2 Teal (pair)
2 Wren

74 Rook feeding on Cooks field (E side of reserve) and 20 woodpigeon on Dohertys field (W side)

Contribution from CRH

22-23rd February
Visitors [CH, IS, M, N&S and SR] saw blue tit, coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (up to four), great tit, jay, kingfisher, mandarin, nuthatch, robin, sparrowhawk (one took a long-tailed tit) and red kite

Coal tit - Adel Dam

Coal tit - credit Dave Johnston

21st February
  Marsh hide

Single pheasant (male - also reported by [Alex]) 
5 Blue tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
5 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Mallard (pair)
10 Mandarin (five pair)
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single carrion crow, coot and nuthatch
7 Blue tit
4 Coal tit (two of these displaying to each other)
2 Dunnock
5 Great tit
2 Jay
6 Mallard (three pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Robin
3 Sparrowhawk (two females and a male opposite the hide)
2 Teal (both male) 
Also bank vole

Large flocks (50+) of mixed corvids

Contribution from DAJ

19th February
A visitor [AB] saw a kingfisher at the lake hide

Mandarin - AdelDam

Amorous mandarins - credit Dave Johnston

18th February
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (male), red kite, robin and sparrowhawk (flythrough) 
16 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
12 Chaffinch (six pair)
3 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
9 Great tit
2 Jay
7 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
4 Mallard (two pair)
10 Mandarin (five pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
5 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (female), nuthatch, robin and sparrowhawk (flew over the far side of the lake) 
3 Blue tit
15 Carrion crow (a flock flew over)
3 Great tit
2 Jay
8 Mallard (four pair)
4 Mandarin (two pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Red kite

Buzzard, red kite and treecreeper were seen in the panhandle; four jackdaw in trees by the entrance and 16 woodpigeon on Dohertys field (West side of the reserve)
From the eastern path were seen 15 redwing, 13 rook (on Cooks field) and four treecreeper (two of which were feeding together)

Contributions from CRH and DAJ

Nuthatch - Adel Dam

Nuthatch - credit Chris Hardy

16th February Guide-in-the-Hide session (CRH, DAJ, PM) – high water levels everywhere!
   Marsh hide
Single bullfinch (female), buzzard (circling overhead  - also jay mimicking the call! at the Lake hide), pheasant (male) and wren
2 Blackbird (pair)
14 Blue tit
8 Chaffinch (four pair)
3 Coal tit
2 Dunnock
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; two female during the session)
9 Great tit
2 Jay
8 Long-tailed tit
4 Magpie
4 Mallard (two pair)
14 Mandarin (seven pair)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
2 Robin
2 Sparrowhawk (both male and female attacked feeders or flew through during the session)
2 Stock dove

   Lake hide
Single blackbird (male), goldcrest (flitting amongst the willows at far left of the lake), grey wagtail (perched on the stumps for a few minutes), red kite and reed bunting (male calling)
8 Blue tit
3 Bullfinch (one male; two female)
2 Carrion crow
2 Coal tit
2 Cormorant (flew over)
2 Dunnock
5 Great tit
2 Jay (one mimicking buzzard call)
3 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
12 Mallard (seven male; five female)
5 Mandarin (three male; two female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin
2 Sparrowhawk (male flew low over the lake - twice during the session; female circled high)

Grey wagtail - Adel Dam

Grey wagtail - credit Chris Hardy

14th February  - atrocious weather and high water levels
  Marsh hide
Single treecreeper
7 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (pair)
2 Carrion crow
10 Chaffinch (five pair)
3 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
6 Great tit
2 Jackdaw
2 Jay
4 Long-tailed tit
4 Magpie
12 Mandarin (six pair)
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
5 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon
  Lake hide
Single coot, dunnock, kingfisher and little egret ([SB] at 9 am]) 
8 Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
5 Great tit
7 Long-tailed tit
12 Mallard (six pair)
4 Mandarin (two pair)
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
2 Robin
10 Teal (five pair)

Single robin, five blue tit, four bullfinch (two pair), two coal tit, nine great tit and three nuthatch, all seen from the entrance hut

Contribution from DAJ

Bank vole - AdelDam

Bank vole - credit Dave Johnston

12th February
A visitor saw male and female kingfisher together at the marsh hide and a single brambling near the eastern path

11th February
  Marsh hide

Single dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (female), moorhen, nuthatch and pheasant (male) 
7 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
12 Chaffinch (six pair)
3 Coal tit
7 Great tit
2 Jay (one of the jay produced a convincing tawny owl call close to the hide)
4 Magpie
6 Mallard (three pair)
8 Mandarin (four pair) 
Also two bank vole feeding together 

  Lake hide
Single buzzard
3 Blue tit
5 Great tit
8 Mallard (four pair)
2 Robin
2 Sparrowhawk (both male and female were seen - separately - by volunteers and visitors)

Singe nuthatch and robin, five blue tit, three coal tit and nine great tit on the 'seed log' near the entrance.
Also approximately 100 redwing and 52 woodpigeon on Dohertys field (West side of reserve)

Contribution from DAJ

Long-tailed tit - AdelDam

Long-tailed tit - credit Chris Hardy

10th February
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (female), moorhen and wren
2 Blue tit
16 Canada goose (flew over)
3 Great tit
4 Mallard (two pair)
14 Mandarin (nine male; five female)
2 Robin

  Lake hide
Single jay, magpie, mandarin (male), nuthatch, robin and sparrowhawk (female flew from under the hide to perch briefly in trees on the far side of the lake) 
8 Blue tit
4 Bullfinch (two pair)
5 Great tit
7 Long-tailed tit
7 Mallard (four male; three female)
2 Moorhen
2 Teal (both male)

A red kite was seen over Dohertys fields (W side of reserve)

Contribution from CRH and SL

7-8th February
Sightings of bullfinch, great spotted woodpecker, little egret (at both hides), mandarin, pheasant, sparrowhawk and kingfisher were reported [SL, SB, RB & anon]

Treecreeper - AdelDam

Treecreeper (Jan) - credit Morgan Caygill

4th February
  Marsh hide

Single coal tit, dunnock, magpie, nuthatch and sparrowhawk (fly through) 
2 Blackbird (male and female)
4 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
2 Great tit
2 Jackdaw
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Mallard (pair)
15 Mandarin (ten male; five female)
2 Moorhen
2 Robin
5 Stock dove
4 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single buzzard, carrion crow, dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (male), jay, kingfisher (female appeared at the far side of the lake as soon as the sun was on the far willows), moorhen and red kite
3 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (pair)
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
13 Mallard (eight male; five female)
4 Mandarin (two pair)
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin
10 Teal (five pair)
2 Woodpigeon

Contributions from CRH and SL

Chaffinch - AdelDam

Chaffinch(f) - credit Chris Hardy

1-3rd February
Visitors [Ra & Ig] saw robin, mandarin and great spotted woodpecker on the 1st.
An anonymous visitor reported lesser redpoll (presumably Carduelis cabaret) on the 3rd

January 2020

Roe deer - AdelDam

Roe deer - credit Kia NG

29th-31st January
Anonymous visitors reported redwing on the path in the north-east corner of the reserve; grey wagtail and great spotted woodpecker were also seen. A roe deer was photographed on the reserve on the 29th [KN]

28th January
  Marsh hide

Single coal tit, pheasant (male), redwing (feeding/drinking? on the ground close to hide) and wren
4 Blackbird (two male; two female)
3 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
10 Chaffinch (five pair)
2 Dunnock
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
2 Great tit
3 Jackdaw
2 Jay
5 Long-tailed tit
2 Mandarin (pair)
3 Moorhen
2 Robin
9 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (male), kingfisher (female fishing at the far side of lake), magpie, red kite, reed bunting (calling from the reeds) and robin
3 Blue tit
4 Great tit
11 Mallard (seven male; four female)
10 Mandarin (five pair)
2 Moorhen
6 Teal (three pair)

Contribution from CRH

Coal_Tit - AdelDam

Coal tit - credit Chris Hardy

27th January
A visitor [Kath] saw two kingfisher, five bullfinch and a great spotted woodpecker at the lake hide

25th-26th January
Visitors [App & anon] reported blue tit, chaffinch, coal tit, great spotted woodpecker, great tit, kingfisher, long-tailed tit, mandarin, moorhen, nuthatch and treecreeper

23rd-24th January
Sightings [Ch, L&A, MC, DAJ] include great spotted woodpecker (two male; two female), nuthatch, kingfisher, up to twenty mandarin, seventeen mallard, teal (four pair), little egret ([DAJ] - fishing in the far lake margins), sparrowhawk and tawny owl ([MC] - a female heard in the early morning)

22nd January
Visitors saw little egret [FH] and kingfisher [anon] on the lake

Mandarin - AdelDam

Mandarin(m) - credit Dave Johnston

21st January
  Marsh hide

Single dunnock, nuthatch and robin
3 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (three pair)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
4 Great tit
3 Jackdaw
2 Jay
4 Mallard (three male; one female)
18 Mandarin (eleven male; seven female. Vocalising/displaying on the pond and in the feeder area for 30 min)
3 Moorhen
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single coot, great spotted woodpecker (female) and magpie
7 Black-headed gull
3 Blue tit
2 Great tit
7 Greylag goose (flew over)
5 Long-tailed tit
13 Mallard (nine male; three female)
3 Mandarin (two male; one female)
3 Moorhen
2 Robin
7 Teal (five male; two female)

18 Woodpigeon (feeding on ground) and lesser spotted woodpecker ([AB] - late morning, calling and flying amongst trees) in adjacent farmland (W)

Contribution from CRH

Jackdaw - AdelDam

Jackdaw - credit Chris Hardy

19th January – Guide-in-the-hide session with AS, CC, CRH, DAJ, PM, RM and JMcA
  Marsh hide

Single buzzard, dunnock, robin and woodpigeon
2 Blackbird (pair)
7 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (three pair)
4 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
7 Great tit
8 Jackdaw (together - attempting to master the feeders)
8 Long-tailed tit
4 Mallard (two pair)
16 Mandarin (nine male; seven female)
5 Moorhen (together displaying, fighting and mating)
4 Nuthatch
4 Stock dove

  Lake hide  - lake mostly frozen
Single black-headed gull, carrion crow, coot, dunnock, great spotted woodpecker, grey wagtail, jay, kingfisher (female fishing from the reedbeds - in a patch of unfrozen water - for over an hour), magpie and nuthatch
5 Blue tit
8 Bullfinch (four pair)
3 Buzzard (circling)
2 Coal tit
5 Great tit
6 Long-tailed tit
12 Mallard (nine male; three female)
2 Moorhen
2 Pheasant (both male)
4 Robin
5 Teal (three male; two female)
3 Woodpigeon

Robin - AdelDam

Robin - credit Chris Hardy

18th January
Visitors [CAM, Em and T] reported mandarin and great spotted woodpecker at the marsh hide); bullfinch, jay, mandarin, nuthatch and a pair of goosander at the lake hide.
Also treecreeper and wren around the reserve

17th January
   Marsh hide

Single blackbird (female), great spotted woodpecker (male), jay and moorhen
11 Blue tit
8 Chaffinch (four pair)
2 Coal tit
7 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair)
4 Mandarin (two pair)
2 Nuthatch

   Lake hide
Single blackbird (female), coot, grey heron, kingfisher (male) and nuthatch
72(!) Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
4 Bullfinch (two pair)
2 Buzzard
2 Coal tit
5 Great tit
2 Jay
7 Long-tailed tit
24 Mallard (sixteen male; eight female)
4 Mandarin (two pair)
3 Moorhen
2 Robin
6 Teal (three pair)
Also two bank vole

Contribution from DAJ

A visitor [Al] reported sighting of a lesser spotted woodpecker. This could not be confirmed, but a later sighting (21/1) was from a trusted source

Great spotted woodpecker - Adel Dam

Great spotted woodpecker (male) - credit Dave Johnston

14th January
  Marsh hide

Single nuthatch and robin
2 Blackbird (both male)
2 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
2 Dunnock
2 Great spotted woodpecker (both male)
2 Great tit
3 Magpie
6 Mandarin (three pair)
2 Moorhen
6 Woodpigeon (feeding on the ground)

  Lake hide
Single coot and kingfisher (perched deep in the reedbed to the right of the lake) 
2 Blue tit
12! Bullfinch (seven male; five female)
3 Great tit
7 Long-tailed tit
21 Mallard (15 male; 6 female)
2 Moorhen
2 Robin
4 Teal (two pair)

A mixed flock of chaffinch (mainly) and goldfinch near the stream bridge (N edge of reserve)

Contributions from CRH (mainly) and DAJ

13th January
A visitor [CAM] reported mandarin, nuthatch, jay and great spotted woodpecker (male and female)

Trentepohlia - AdelDam

Trentepohlia (green alga with beta-carotene pigment) and magnified filaments – credit Graham Heffernan

12th January
  Marsh hide

Single robin and stock dove
6 Blue tit
3 Chaffinch (two male; one female)
2 Dunnock
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
5 Great tit
2 Magpie
2 Mallard (pair)
8 Mandarin (four male; four female)
5 Moorhen

  Lake hide
Single coal tit, coot, jay and nuthatch
6 Blue tit
10 Bullfinch (five male; five female on the loosestrife)
3 Great tit
13 Mallard (nine male; four female)
3 Moorhen
2 Robin
2 Teal (both male)

Contributions from CRH & SL

Blackbird - AdelDam

Blackbird - credit Chris Hardy

7th January
  Marsh hide

Single dunnock
2 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (both male, feeding on loosestrife [DAJ])
4 Carrion crow
2 Chaffinch (male and female)
3 Great spotted woodpecker (one male; two female)
3 Great tit
4 Long-tailed tit
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Robin
4 Stock dove [DAJ]

  Lake hide
Single coot, dunnock, magpie, nuthatch, pheasant (male) 
12 Black-headed gull
7 Blue tit
5 Bullfinch (all male)
2 Coal tit
5 Great tit
4 Mallard (two pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Robin
5 Teal (four male; one female)
A visitor [A?] saw a sparrowhawk take a blue tit from the feeders

Woodcock (flushed out by volunteers working in the woods - east side) and flock (50+) of black-headed gull on Cooks field (east side)

Contribution from CRH

A volunteer [GH] later provided pictures of a Trentepohlia (a filamentous chlorophyte green alga coloured by beta-carotene pigments) and also the common moss – Bryum capillare

6th January
Visitors [OS] reported blue tit, coal tit, great spotted woodpecker, great tit, kingfisher (female), long-tailed tit, mallard, nuthatch, pheasant, robin, teal, woodpigeon

4th-5th January
Visitors [V, C&M, SN] saw coot, grey heron, mandarin, nuthatch, great spotted woodpecker (up to three), kingfisher and mandarin (six pair)
Also bank vole

Jay - Adel Dam

Jay - credit Chris Hardy

3rd January
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird and moorhen
10 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (four male; two female)
2 Coal tit
2 Dunnock
3 Great spotted woodpecker (one male; two female)
4 Great tit
5 Mandarin (three male; two female. A later visitor saw 10 males - didn't count the females!]
2 Nuthatch
3 Robin
2 Stock dove 
A flock of siskin were heard passing over

  Lake hide
Single blackbird, black-headed gull, buzzard, coal tit, dunnock, great spotted woodpecker, grey heron (perched in trees far side of lake), jay, kingfisher (female fishing twice during the session), magpie, nuthatch and sparrowhawk (female perched high in tree on far side of lake - in the sunshine!) 
4 Blue tit
4 Bullfinch (all male, feeding on loosestrife)
2 Coal tit
2 Great tit
6 Long-tailed tit
17 Mallard (twelve male; five female)
3 Moorhen
2 Pheasant (both male, under the feeders)
2 Red kite
2 Robin
8 Teal

Single wren and three bullfinch (one male; two female)

Contribution from CRH

1st-2nd January
Visitors reported bullfinch, great spotted woodpecker, jay, kingfisher, long-tailed tit, mandarin, moorhen, nuthatch, pheasant, sparrowhawk and stock dove

December 2019

31st December
  Marsh hide

Single pheasant (male), robin and woodpigeon
2 Blackbird (pair)
12 Blue tit
10 Chaffinch (five pair)
4 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
5 Great tit
6 Jackdaw
4 Jay
2 Kingfisher (pair)
10 Mandarin (five pair)
4 Nuthatch
3 Stock dove
Also a visitor reported seeing a brambling among chaffinches (unconfirmed)

  Lake hide
Single dunnock, great spotted woodpecker, jay, robin and sparrowhawk (female)
6 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (pair)
5 Great tit
2 Kingfisher (pair)
5 Long-tailed tit
12 Mallard (six pair)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
2 Teal (pair)

A pair of bullfinch and two treecreeper at the entrance. Above the neighbouring field to the west flew a common buzzard and a red kite. Two roe deer also seen. Early signs of elf cup fungus.

Contributions from AB, DAJ, PM and RB

30th December
  Marsh hide

Single coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (female), jackdaw, magpie, pheasant (male), red kite and robin
4 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
2 Great tit
10 Mandarin (six male; four female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single black-headed gull, coal tit, coot and kingfisher (female)
4 Blue tit
2 Great tit
3 Long-tailed tit
5 Mallard (two male; three female)

Contribution from SL

29th December 
Two visitors reported seeing an otter (unconfirmed)

Black-headed gull - Adel Dam

Black-headed gull - credit Chris Hardy

24th December
  Marsh hide

Single great spotted woodpecker (female)
7 Blue tit
10 Chaffinch (five pair)
3 Coal tit
5 Great tit
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (female), jay and robin
6 Blue tit
4 Coal tit
6 Great tit
2 Magpie
6 Mallard (three pair)
3 Mandarin (two male; one female)
3 Nuthatch

At the entrance were seen a single nuthatch, five blue tit, two coal tit and eight great tit. Between the hides were seen five blackbird, four jay and two wren (together but not fighting).
In the trees by the hotel were seen over two hundred redwing.

Contribution from DAJ

On 21st December a visitor saw a little egret from the lake hide at 10.15

20th December
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch (male), pheasant (male), sparrowhawk and wren
42 Black-headed gull
2 Blackbird
9 Blue tit
12 Chaffinch (six pair)
5 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
5 Great tit
5 Long-tailed tit
2 Jay
8 Mandarin (four pair)
2 Moorhen
5 Nuthatch
2 Robin
5 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon
Also, a visitor sighting of a brambling (unconfirmed)

  Lake hide
Single dunnock, kingfisher (adult female) and robin
6 Blue tit
6 Bullfinch (three pair feeding on loosestrife seeds on the island) and robin
3 Coal tit
3 Great tit
8 Long-tailed tit
11 Mallard (eight male; three female)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
50 (approximately) Siskin (high in the alders)

Between the hides were seen many blue tit, great tit and four long-tailed tit.
In the neighbouring field to the west were seen approximately one hundred and twenty redwing

Contribution from DAJ

TawnyOwl - AdelDam

Tawny owl - credit Dave Johnston

17th December
  Marsh hide

Single dunnock, goldfinch, moorhen and robin
2 Blackbird (pair)
7 Blue tit
12 Chaffinch (six pair)
4 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
6 Great tit
2 Jay
6 Long-tailed tit
4 Mandarin (two pair)
5 Nuthatch
15 Siskin

  Lake hide
Single dunnock, kingfisher (adult male) and moorhen
8 Black-headed gull
8 Blue tit
6 Bullfinch (three pair)
4 Coal tit
3 Great tit
12 Mallard (six pair)
3 Nuthatch
2 Robin

Single fox and tawny owl

Contribution from DAJ

15th December
  Marsh hide

Single common buzzard, dunnock, red kite and wren
2 Blackbird (pair)
9 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
10 Chaffinch (five pair)
4 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
5 Great tit
5 Jackdaw
3 Jay
5 Long-tailed tit
4 Magpie
8 Mallard (four pair)
13 Mandarin (eight male; five female)
3 Moorhen (including a juvenile)
5 Nuthatch
2 Pheasant (male)
2 Robin
30 (approximately) Siskin (overhead)
4 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single coal tit, cormorant (overhead) and kingfisher
5 Blue tit
5 Bullfinch (three male; two female, all feeding on loosestrife seeds on the island)
2 Great tit
6 Long-tailed tit
8 Mallard (four pair)
3 Red kite (flying together overhead)

  Entrance area
Single great spotted woodpecker (male), jay, nuthatch and wren
6 Blue tit
3 Coal tit
6 Great tit
Also approximately 20 siskin calling

A large group of over one hundred redwing in the field near the Parkway Hotel

Contributions from DAJ, SL and visitors

Mallard - AdelDam

Mallard - credit Dave Johnston

10th December
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (male continental), mandarin (female), moorhen, pheasant (male) and robin
8 Blue tit
8 Chaffinch (four pair)
5 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
6 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Mallard (pair)
4 Nuthatch
50 (approximately) Siskin (in the alder next to the hide)
5 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single moorhen, robin, sparrowhawk (female, perched on the peanut feeder) and wren
23 Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
3 Coal tit
2 Goldfinch (flying with the siskin below)
5 Great tit
2 Jay
5 Long-tailed tit
3 Magpie
6 Mallard (three pair)
3 Nuthatch
5 Redwing
50 (approximately) Siskin (same flock as above?)

  Entrance area
Single robin
7 Blue tit
3 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Nuthatch
From the east peripheral path four blackbird, eight long-tailed tit and two treecreeper

Contribution from DAJ and SB

Sycamore - AdelDam

Sycamore - credit Graham Heffernan

7th December
  Marsh hide

Single moorhen and red kite (heard)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (female)
Also a number of blue and great tit

  Lake hide
14 Mallard
Also a number of blue, coal, great and long-tailed tit on the feeders

Grey wagtail (female) at the spillway

Contribution from PM

6th December
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch (female), pheasant (male) and robin
9 Blue tit
10 Chaffinch (five pair)
4 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
5 Great tit
3 Jay
4 Mallard (two pair)
10 Mandarin (five pair)
3 Moorhen
5 Nuthatch
5 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single kingfisher (adult female) and teal (female)
7 Blue tit
4 Bullfinch (one male; three female)
3 Coal tit
5 Great tit
4 Long-tailed tit
12 Mallard (six pair)
4 Mandarin (two pair)
2 Moorhen

Contribution from DAJ

Pheasant - AdelDam

Pheasant - credit Dave Johnston

4th December
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch (heard), moorhen, pheasant, robin, siskin (heard) and stock dove
8 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
5 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
5 Great tit
2 Jay
4 Mallard (two pair)
12 Mandarin (six pair)
5 Nuthatch  Lake hide
Single kingfisher
2 Sparrowhawk (pair, seen at close range)

Contributions from DAJ and a visitor

Bullfinch - AdelDam

Bullfinch - credit Kia Ng

3rd December
  Marsh hide

Single continental blackbird (male with black beak), goldcrest, jay, kingfisher and pheasant (male)
6 Blue tit
4 Bullfinch (two pair)
8 Chaffinch (four pair)
4 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
5 Great tit
2 Long-tailed tit
4 Mallard (two pair, one pair mating)
8 Mandarin (four pair)
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
4 Siskin
Also a single roe deer

  Lake hide
Single common buzzard (overhead), great spotted woodpecker (female), jay, kingfisher (adult female) and red kite (overhead)
12 Black-headed gull
4 Blue tit
3 Coal tit
4 Great tit
6 Mallard (three pair)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Robin
9 Teal (six male; three female)            

At the entrance five blue tit, four coal tit, five great tit, three nuthatch and a single robin.
Redwing flying overhead all the time and many siskin high in the alders

Also on 2nd December two pheasant (male) at the marsh hide

Contributions from DAJ and SB

OakMossLichen - AdelDam

Oak Moss lichen - credit Graham Heffernan

November 2019

28th November
  Marsh hide

Single lesser spotted woodpecker

Contribution from a visitor

CoralSpotFungus - AdelDam

Coral spot fungus (nectria cinnabarina) - credit Steve Leahy

YellowBrainFungus - AdelDam

Yellow brain fungus (tremella mesenterica) - credit Steve Leahy

26th November
  Marsh hide

Single dunnock, jackdaw (overhead) and robin and stock dove
7 Blue tit
10 Chaffinch (four male; six female)
4 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
5 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair)
9 Mandarin (six male; three female)
3 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
10 Siskin (overhead)
Also a bank vole

  Lake hide
Single cormorant (overhead), grey wagtail (heard), long-tailed tit, magpie (overhead), mute swan (male), robin and wren (heard)
11 Black-headed gull
3 Blue tit
4 Bullfinch (all male, feeding on loosestrife on the island)
2 Coal tit
30 (approx) Corvids (mixed group, overhead)
3 Great tit
6 Mallard (three pair)
6 Mandarin (four male; two female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Red kite (overhead)

Group of ten woodpigeon flying fast through the trees near the entrance.
A variety of fungi towards the lake hide including coral spot, clouded agaric (in advanced stage), black brain and yellow brain

Contributions from CRH, DAJ, PM and SL

BlackJellyFungus - AdelDam

Black jelly fungus (exidia plana) - credit Steve Leahy

22nd November
  Marsh hide

Single water rail and wren
6 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
4 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
6 Great tit
8 Mandarin (four pair)
3 Moorhen
5 Nuthatch,
3 Robin

  Lake Hide
Single buzzard (overhead), mute swan, red kite and wren
26 Black-headed gull
3 Blue tit
3 Coal tit
4 Great tit
14 Mallard (seven pair)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch                        
2 Robin

In the entrance area, ten blue tit, four coal tit, three nuthatch and seven woodpigeon.
From the path on the eastern side of the reserve, six carrion crow, three jackdaw, and two magpie. All the corvids making a lot of noise. Also sound of an owl.
Also redwing and siskin overhead.
Various species of fungi still in evidence.

Contributions from DAJ and SB

Jay - AdelDam

Jay - credit Dave Johnston

19th November 
  Marsh hide
Single coal tit, dunnock, siskin (heard) and robin
3 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
8 Chaffinch (four pair)
2 Goldfinch (stayed in the area for a while but didn't come to feeders)
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female - all present at the same time)
4 Great tit
2 Jay
3 Mallard (two male; one female)
19 Mandarin (twelve male, some fighting; seven female)
2 Moorhen (adult and juvenile)
2 Nuthatch
6 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single jay, kingfisher (female) and magpie
22 Black-headed gull
2 Blue tit
5 Bullfinch (three male; two female - feeding on the loosestrife)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
4 Great tit
14 Mallard (seven pair)
11 Mandarin (nine male; two female)
3 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin
2 Teal

Contribution from DAJ and CRH

Robin - AdelDam

Robin - credit Dave Johnston

17th November -   [frosty at 08.00, water levels dropping - hence return of teal?. Guide in the Hide later]
  Marsh hide
Single blackbird (heard), kingfisher, robin, water rail, stock dove, sparrowhawk (flew through twice) and wren
8 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (pair, feeding on purple loosestrife seeds behind the pond)
3 Carrion crow
8 Chaffinch (four pair)
5 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
5 Great tit
2 Jay
6 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
6 Mallard (three pair, one pair mating)
13 Mandarin (eight male; five female)
2 Moorhen
5 Nuthatch
2 Siskin (female)
2 Woodpigeon
Also a group of siskin overhead

  Lake hide
Single goldcrest, great spotted woodpecker (male), grey wagtail, jay, kestrel (overhead), magpie, sparrowhawk (in a half-hearted attack on the feeders) and wren
2 Blackbird (pair)
6 Blue tit
5 Bullfinch (three male; two female, feeding on loosestrife seeds on the island)
4 Carrion crow
2 Coal tit
2 Great tit
2 Kingfisher (pair)
4 Long-tailed tit
9 Mallard (five male: four female)
2 Mandarin (pair)
3 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin
Also: around two hundred black-headed gull overhead; a mixed group of around one hundred and twenty carrion crow and jackdaw overhead; a mixed group of around one hundred siskin and goldfinch in a beech tree to the right of the lake;

A visitor saw what he thought to be a stoat near the entrance. Another visitor saw a common buzzard and a red kite

Contributions from CRH, DAJ, SL and visitors

CandlesnuffFungus - Adel Dam

Candlesnuff fungus - credit Steve Leahy

15th November      
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch (heard), jay, magpie, moorhen, robin and stock dove
5 Blue tit
4 Carrion crow
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
5 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (one male; two female)
4 Great tit
5 Long-tailed tit
6 Mallard (three pair)
10 Mandarin (five pair)
6 Nuthatch
3 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (male), buzzard (overhead), coal tit, great tit, red kite (overhead), robin, sparrowhawk (overhead) and wren
8 Black-headed gull
4 Blue tit
3 Bullfinch (two male; one female)
3 Coal tit
2 Great tit
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
5 Mallard (three male; two female)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch

A mixed group of corvid numbering around 120 in the field neighbouring the reserve to the east (Cooke's).
Two treecreeper on the bridal path.
Two pair of pheasant in the field neighbouring the reserve to the south west (Doherty's).
Candlesnuff fungus near the entrance.

Contributions from DAJ, SB and SL

CloudedAgaric - AdelDam

Clouded Agaric - credit Steve Leahy

12th November
  Marsh hide

Single kingfisher 
3 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (female)
4 Carrion crow
2 Chaffinch (pair)
2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodecker (one male; two female)
3 Great tit
3 Magpie
4 Mallard (two pair)
2 Moorhen (adult and juvenile)
2 Nuthatch
2 Woodpigeon
Also siskin heard

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (male), goldcrest, great spotted woodpecker (female), jay, kingfisher, long-tailed tit, magpie and robin
8 Black-headed gull
2 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
5 Mallard (three male; two female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
Also bullfinch heard

Bullfinch (heard), flock of redwing (heard), and two treecreeper on the lane outside the entrance.
Five fieldfare 'chacking' in the trees on the path near the outflow. 
Clouded agaric fungus just outside the entrance.

Contributions from AB, DAJ, SB and SL

JellyEar - AdelDam

Jelly Ear - credit Steve Leahy

5th November
  Marsh hide

Single moorhen, nuthatch, treecreeper (heard) and wren
4 Blue tit
3 Chaffinch (two male; one female)
2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
3 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair)
5 Mandarin (three male; two female)

  Lake hide

Single black headed gull (overhead), common buzzard (mobbed by crow), grey heron, kingfisher and red kite (overhead)
4 Carrion crow (overhead)
7 Mallard (four male; 3 female)
5 Mandarin
2 Moorhen
5 Woodpigeon (overhead)


Lots of fungi around at present including jelly ear

Contributions from DAJ, LJ and SL

LittleEgret - Adel Dam

Little Egret - credit Dave Johnston

1st November
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch (heard), great spotted woodpecker (female), magpie and robin
3 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
2 Coal tit
4 Great tit
Long-tailed tit (several heard)
2 Nuthatch
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide

Single blue tit, carrion crow (being mobbed by black-headed gulls), coal tit, grey heron (overhead) and little egret (seen near to the outflow, later flew to settle behind the island and then left in an easterly direction)
40 Black-headed gull (some occasionally catching small fish)
4 Mallard (two pair)
14 Mandarin (seven pair, including a male showing courtship behaviour)
3 Moorhen
10 Redwing (overhead)


Several amethyst deceiver fungi near the entrance in various stages of development

Contributions from DAJ, PM and SL


Amethyst Deceiver - credit Steve Leahy

October 2019


Fly agaric (slugs got there first!) - credit Chris Hardy

20th October – Guide-in-the-hide session with CRH, PM, RM, RP
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (male), bullfinch (male feeding amongst the nettles), jay, kingfisher (seen twice during the session, perching by the stream and (briefly) at the pond), mandarin (single male on the pond although more could be heard from the stream), robin and wren
3 Blue tit
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
6 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
3 Great tit
6 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
10 Mallard (five pair)
3 Moorhen (including one juvenile - which was chased off by an adult)
4 Nuthatch
3 Redwing (in trees to back of pond)
2 Sparrowhawk (both male and female made unsuccessful attacks on feeding birds)
7 Woodpigeon (flew over)
Also a stoat to the left of the hide

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (calling), carrion crow, grey heron, grey wagtail, jay, kingfisher, red kite, sparrowhawk, woodpigeon and several jackdaws
6 Black-headed gull
2 Buzzard
9 Mallard (three male; six female)
2 Moorhen
100+ Redwing (large flock flew over)

Goldcrest were seen in the yews and a grey wagtail from the northmost bridge [DAJ]

Nuthatch - Adel Dam

Nuthatch - credit Chris Hardy

19th October
An anonymous visitor saw three goldcrest and two kingfisher from the lake hide

18th October
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch (male), jay, kingfisher, mallard (male), moorhen, robin, sparrowhawk and wren
7 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
5 Coal tit (a lot of fighting)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
2 Great tit
4 Long-tailed tit
17 Mandarin (nine male; eight female [anon])
3 Magpie
5 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single great spotted woodpecker (female), grey wagtail, kingfisher, robin and sparrowhawk
5 Black-headed gull
4 Blue tit
2 Dunnock
4 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
8 Mallard (four pair)
8 Mandarin (four pair)
2 Nuthatch

Several redwing flocks flying over the reserve and a buzzard at the eastern side of the reserve

Contributions from DAJ (mainly) and App

16th October
An anonymous visitor saw two kingfisher at the lake hide

15th October
A tawny owl (7 am) and roe deer were seen at the marsh hide; also two kingfisher, two buzzard and two grey wagtail at the lake hide
Amethyst deceiver fungi continue to flourish under the beeches close to the entrance

Contributions from DAJ , SB and Fio

Long-tailed tit - AdelDam

Long-tailed tit - credit Kia Ng

13th October
   Marsh hide

Single carrion crow, great spotted woodpecker, magpie and woodpigeon
3 Blue tit
4 Chaffinch (two male; two female)
2 Coal tit
2 Great tit

   Lake hide
Single black-headed gull
4 Mallard (two pair)
18 Mandarin (nine pair)
4 Moorhen (including one juvenile)

Contribution from CRH

10th-12th October
Visitors [CL, GP and anon] saw up to two great spotted woodpecker at both hides; two nuthatch at the marsh hide and kingfisher at the lake hide.  Buzzards and red kites were seen around the reserve by several visitors

8th October
   Marsh hide

Single great spotted woodpecker (male), kingfisher and robin
6 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (both male)
4 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Moorhen (adult and juvenile)
4 Nuthatch
Also comma butterfly

   Lake hide
Single grey heron and jay
2 Buzzard
2 Kestrel
2 Kingfisher
6 Mallard (three pair)
20+ Redwing (several small flocks flew over during the session)
6 Swallow (two were over the lake continuously from 10.45 am increasing to six by 12.15)

Fox (with kill, spotted [AB] in the south field). From the path between the two hides eleven long-tailed tit were seen and a green woodpecker was heard several times during the morning by visitors

Contribution from DAJ

Coal_Tit - AdelDam

Coal tit - credit Chris Hardy

6th October
  Marsh hide

Single coal tit, dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (female), kingfisher (fly through) and robin
6 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
4 Great tit
8 Long-tailed tit
2 Mallard (pair)
3 Nuthatch

  Lake hide   
Single buzzard (perched briefly among the trees), cormorant (flew over), jay, mandarin (male) and moorhen
3 Blue tit
10 Canada goose (flew over)
2 Carrion crow
2 Great tit
9 Mallard (four male; five female)
8 Woodpigeon
Also four juvenile brown rats in the feeder area

Contribution from CRH

5th October
Visitor [JD] reported willow warbler

4th October
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (male), moorhen, robin and willow warbler
6 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (male and female)
6 Chaffinch (three pair)
4 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker
4 Great tit
3 Long-tailed tit
3 Magpie
2 Mandarin (pair)
4 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single bullfinch (calling), grey wagtail, kingfisher (also reported by [JS]) and moorhen
4 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Great tit
8 Mallard (four pair)
9 Mandarin (five male; four female)
2 Nuthatch
4 Redwing (flew over

Contribution from DAJ

Grey Heron - Adel Dam

Grey heron - credit Chris Hardy

2nd October
  Marsh hide

Single great spotted woodpecker (female), jay, moorhen, robin and woodpigeon   
4 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (calling)
4 Chaffinch (two male; two female)
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
20 Greylag goose (flew over)
2 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove
Also brown rat (under the boardwalk, putting its head through occasionally)

  Lake hide
Single great spotted woodpecker (male), grey heron, kingfisher (female - perched briefly, close to the hide), magpie, nuthatch, red kite and robin
3 Blue tit
2 Coal tit (feeding mainly on the ground)
2 Great tit
7 Long-tailed tit
6 Mallard (three male; three female)
3 Mandarin (one male; two female)
4 Moorhen (including one juvenile)
2 ‘Willowchaff ‘(flitting through the willows)
2 Woodpigeon

Contribution from CRH

Visitors later reported buzzard at the lake hide [J&PH] and a pair of great spotted woodpecker at the marsh hide [KD]

1st October
  Marsh hide

9 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
4 Great tit
4 Long-tailed tit
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single great spotted woodpecker and kingfisher
2 Blue tit
5 Mallard (five male; two female - one pair showing regular head-bobbing)
3 Mandarin (two male; one female)

Contribution from SL and SB

September 2019

Sparrowhawk - Adel Dam

Sparrowhawk(m) - credit Chris Hardy

30th September
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchaff, great spotted woodpecker (calling), long-tailed tit, mallard (female), robin and sparrowhawk (male) 
4 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (calling)
4 Coal tit
2 Great tit
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single buzzard (overhead), chiffchaff (calling) and kingfisher
2 Mallard (pair)
2 Moorhen (adult and juvenile)

  Entrance area
Two blue tit, four coal tit and three nuthatch

Contribution from DAJ

28th September
  Marsh hide

Single buzzard, coal tit, long-tailed tit, mallard (female), moorhen, robin, stock dove and wren
2 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (calling)
4 Chaffinch (two male; two female)
3 Jay
2 Magpie
2 Mandarin (male and female)
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single chiffchaff and woodpigeon
2 Great tit
11 Mallard (five male; six female)
3 Moorhen (including one juvenile)
4 Teal

Contribution from CRH

Glistening inkcap - AdelDame

Glistening inkcap - credit Chris Hardy

27th September
   Marsh hide

Single kingfisher (flyby in direction of the lake), magpie, moorhen, robin and woodpigeon
2 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
2 Chaffinch (one male; one female)
2 Coal tit
4 Great tit
4 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single grey heron, kingfisher (flew through the area a few times), mandarin (male), robin, wren and male sparrowhawk (early flythrough; second time perched in trees to left of lake preening for 30 min)
17 Black-headed gull
4 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
2 Great tit
2 Magpie
8 Mallard (three male; five female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
Also a brown rat under the feeders

Close to the entrance area (to the right of the path), several clusters of Sulphur tuft on a fallen tree

Contribution from CRH

25th September
A volunteer [RB] saw kingfisher and buzzard at the lake hide and heard/saw a willow tit from the eastern path

Grey wagtail - Adel Dam

Grey wagtail - credit Chris Hardy

22nd September
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchaff (calling), robin and wren
5 Blue tit
4 Canada goose (flew over)
2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
4 Great tit
10 Greylag goose (flew over)
5 Mandarin (two male; three female - lots of posturing and neck stretching from the males)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single coal tit, grey heron, grey wagtail, kingfisher (female) and magpie
26 Black-headed gull
3 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
3 Great tit
6 Mallard (three male; three female)
10 Mandarin (five male; five female)
6 Moorhen (including three juvenile)
2 Nuthatch
18 Teal
2 Woodpigeon

A blackcap (adult female/juvenile male?) and a pheasant (calling) near the eastern path

Contribution from CRH

21st September
A visitor [An] saw a kingfisher

Grey Heron - Adel Dam

Grey heron - credit Dave Johnston

20th September
  Marsh hide

Single carrion crow, jay and moorhen
8 Blue tit
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
4 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (adult male and female plus two juveniles)
5 Great tit
7 Long-tailed tit
3 Magpie
8 Mandarin (four pair)
4 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single grey heron, sparrowhawk (male) and willow warbler
5 Blue tit
6 Buzzard (yes six)
2 Chiffchaff (calling)
4 Coal tit
5 Great tit
2 Kingfisher (including one juvenile male)
12 Mallard (six pair)
2 Mandarin (pair)
7 Moorhen (including five juvenile - one now much smaller than the rest. Adults were collecting reeds and rushes)
2 Robin
10 Teal
Also brown rat at both hides

Male pheasant and two male blackbirds

Contribution from DAJ

19th September
Visitors [GD, SA and SG] reported great spotted woodpecker, kingfisher, long-tailed tit, mandarin, nuthatch, teal, wigeon, grey heron and kingfisher (also bank vole and brown rat). Mostly at the lake hide

17th September
Visitors [SO and J/BW] saw kingfisher

Wigeon - AdelDam

Wigeon - credit Chris Hardy

15th September – Guide-in-the-Hide (CC, CRH, DAJ, PM)
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch (male), grey heron (juvenile), jay, moorhen, pheasant (male), stock dove, treecreeper, willow warbler, woodpigeon and wren
7 Blue tit
5 Chaffinch (three male; two female)
4 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (male, female and juvenile)
4 Great tit
7 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
11 Mandarin (five male; six female)

  Lake hide
Single chiffchaff, dunnock, kingfisher (flew through the area twice during the session), magpie, robin, song thrush and wren
18 Black-headed gull
6 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
5 Great tit
3 Grey heron (spread around the lake)
3 Jay
4 Long-tailed tit
16 Mallard
2 Mandarin (male - full plumage and female)
7 Moorhen (including four juveniles some of which came to scavenge under the feeders)
2 Nuthatch
2 Red kite
2 Sparrowhawk (both male and female flew through the area during the session)
17 Teal (spread around the lake)
2 Wigeon (pair)
2 Woodpigeon

Also a bank vole and a brown rat making the most of the free food under the feeders

Moorhen - Adel Dam

Moorhen chick (trying to fly?) - credit Pam Jones

14th September
Visitors [Dav, anon] saw great spotted woodpecker and juvenile grey heron at the marsh hide plus kingfisher at both hides

13th September
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchaff, great spotted woodpecker (female), moorhen and sparrowhawk (fly-through reported by visitors)
6 Blue tit
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
3 Coal tit
5 Great tit
5 Mandarin (two male; three female)
5 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single chiffchaff, great spotted woodpecker (juvenile) and robin
5 Blue tit
4 Coal tit
5 Great tit
2 Grey wagtail
8 Mallard (four pair)
6 Mandarin (two male; four female)
6 Moorhen (including four juveniles)
3 Nuthatch
14 Teal
2 Wigeon (a pair; rare visitors to the reserve)
Also treecreeper near the entrance

Contribution from DAJ

Later in the day visitors [K&S, T&T, T&C] reported up to two kingfisher, two goldcrest and several ‘willowchaff’ feeding in the reeds at the lake hide

Stinkhorn - AdelDam

Stinkhorn - credit Chris Hardy

12th Sept
  Marsh hide

Single dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (heard only), jackdaw, jay, mallard, robin and wren
3 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (calling)
6 Chaffinch (three male; three female)
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Magpie
4 Mandarin (two male; two female)
3 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
  Lake hide
Single dunnock and kingfisher (female perching in the reeds left of hide also a couple of flybys - sex unknown)
2 Black-headed gull
6 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (calling)
8 Great tit
2 Jay
6 Long-tailed tit
9 Mallard
2 Mandarin
9 Moorhen (adult pair with five small chicks plus one adult and a juvenile)
2 Nuthatch
15 Teal
1 Robin

In addition to a grey wagtail in the stream below the bridleway bridge there were several fungi species:- 
Brittlegills (yellow and burgundy coloured ones – all slug-demolished)
Amethyst deceiver (lots of them - mainly small – under beeches near the entrance (close to path))
Stinkhorn (single specimen near the far bridge over the leat)
Sulphur tuft (several clusters of these close to the northernmost path)

Contribution from CRH

Amethyst deceiver - AdelDam

Amethyst deceiver - credit Chris Hardy

11th Sept
Visitors [JBAD and Sam] reported kingfisher, nuthatch and two grey heron at the lake hide; also great spotted woodpecker, kingfisher and mandarin (unspecified locations)

8th Sept
  Marsh hide

Single chaffinch (male), great spotted woodpecker (female), moorhen, robin and stock dove 
7 Blue tit
4 Coal tit
6 Great tit
2 Jay
8 Mandarin (four pair)
5 Nuthatch
3 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single buzzard, grey heron and sparrowhawk (male) 
5 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
6 Great tit
10 Mallard (including one juvenile)
11 Mandarin (five male; six female)
6 Moorhen (including four chicks)
3 Nuthatch
9 Teal (more calling from the margins)
Also bank vole

  Location unspecified
Long-tailed tit and red kite

Contributions from DAJ (mainly) and visitors [Ca, DAJ and EJA]

7th Sept
Visitors [ARG and GJS] reported two female mandarin and two nuthatch at the marsh hide; jay, great spotted woodpecker, nuthatch, mandarin (male and female), four teal and up to seven moorhen (three adult; four chicks) at the lake hide

Chiffchaff - AdelDam

Chiffchaff - credit Andrew Thompson

5th Sept
  Lake hide

Single kingfisher [anon], little grebe and mandarin
2 Black-headed gull
3 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
2 Great tit
2 Grey heron [K]
10 Mallard
8 Moorhen (single adult plus adult pair with five juveniles)
8 Teal
6 Woodpigeon

Contribution from CRH

2nd/3rd Sept
Visitors [A&R, Finn, Chr and anon] reported grey heron (up to two), tawny owl, jay, maqpie, great spotted woodpecker, kingfisher and sparrowhawk (female)


Eclipse mandarins (male (red beak) and female) - credit Chris Hardy

1st Sept
  Marsh hide

Single chaffinch (male), jay, kingfisher (female perched for a few minutes but did not fish), mandarin (male still in breeding plumage), robin and tawny owl (female calling several times from the wood beyond the stream – at 6.30 am) 
5 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (adult and juvenile male - the juveniles head was almost completely red)
4 Great tit
2 Magpie
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single coal tit and little grebe
2 Black-headed gull
2 Blue tit
6 Carrion crow
2 Great tit
2 Jay
10 Mallard (including two large juveniles)
4 Mandarin
10 Moorhen (adult pair with five small chicks plus adult with large juvenile)
6 Teal (dabbling around the lake)

Also two bullfinch calling near the yew trees

Contribution from CRH

August 2019

27th August
  Lake hide

Single grey wagtail, kingfisher and spotted flycatcher
2 Little grebe (swimming together close to their nest but little evidence of an egg)
7 Moorhen (two adult; five tiny juvenile)
4 Teal

Contributions from AB and DAJ

LittleGrebe - AdelDam

Little grebe - credit Chris Hardy

26th August
  Marsh hide

Single buzzard (overhead), jay, moorhen, robin and willow warbler
5 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (pair)
3 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (one female; two juvenile)
5 Great tit
3 Magpie
2 Mallard (one female; one juvenile)
8 Mandarin (five female; 3 (now obvious) male)
3 Nuthatch
3 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single chiffchaff (in full song), great spotted woodpecker (juvenile), jay, kingfisher (in full view) and robin
6 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
4 Great tit
2 Little grebe (pair)
9 Mallard
6 Mandarin (female)
9 Moorhen (3 adult; six juvenile)
2 Nuthatch
3 Teal (female)
Also a bank vole

At the entrance area
Single nuthatch, robin and treecreeper
2 Blackcap (pair)
4 Blue tit
3 Great tit
At the Parkway Hotel
200 (approximately) house martin (on the roof)

Contribution from DAJ

HouseMartin - AdelDam

House martin - credit Dave Johnston

25th August
  Marsh hide

Single spotted flycatcher

Contribution from KN

SpottedFlycatcher - Adel Dam

Spotted flycatcher - credit Kia Ng

23rd August
  Marsh hide

Single kingfisher (call heard coming from along the stream behind the feeders), mandarin (female), moorhen, red kite (overhead) and robin (juvenile)
5 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (heard)
4 Chaffinch (one male; 3 female)
2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (one male; two juvenile)
4 Great tit
2 Magpie
2 Mallard (one female; one juvenile)
3 Nuthatch
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single dunnock and grey heron
7 Blue tit
3 Coal tit
4 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Little grebe
7 Mallard
3 Moorhen (one adult with two very small juvenile)
2 Moorhen (one adult with one very well grown juvenile)
4 Nuthatch

Single roe deer (female)
On eastern path eight long tailed tits and a single treecreeper

Contributions from DAJ and SB

Blue tit - Adel Dam

Blue tit - credit Dave Johnston

20th August
  Marsh hide

Single kingfisher, moorhen and sparrowhawk (female)
5 Blue tit
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
3 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
6 Great tit
2 Jay
3 Mallard (one female; two duckling, one of which dived and swam underwater for approx 20 seconds)
10 Mandarin
4 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single dunnock, kingfisher, great spotted woodpecker (juvenile) and robin (juvenile)
7 Blue tit
2 Chiffchaff
2 Coal tit
5 Great tit
2 Little grebe
2 Long-tailed tit
8 Mallard
7 Mandarin
3 Moorhen
Also a bank vole

Contributions from DAJ and visitors

Long-tailed tit - AdelDam

Long-tailed tit - credit Chris Hardy

18th August
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch (heard), chiffchaff and pheasant (male) 
5 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (four male; two female)
2 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (one male; one female; two juvenile)
6 Great tit
4 Magpie
3 Mallard (one adult; two duckling)
6 Mandarin (three pair)
3 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove
3 Woodpigeon
Also two green-veined white butterfly and a comma butterfly

  Lake hide
Single dunnock, great spotted woodpecker, grey wagtail, kingfisher (several fly bys), magpie, moorhen and robin (juvenile)
8 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
2 Chiffchaff
2 Coal tit
6 Great tit
2 Grey heron
2 Little grebe (one on the nest)
6 Long-tailed tit
9 Mallard
8 Mandarin
3 Moorhen (two adult; one juvenile)
2 Nuthatch
2 Woodpigeon (overhead)
Also a bank vole

Contributions from CRH, JMc and SL

Grey Heron - AdelDam

Grey heron - credit Chris Hardy

16th August
  Marsh hide

Single jay, kingfisher and moorhen
5 Blue tit
8 Chaffinch (four pair)
2 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (adult male and female; two juvenile)
7 Great tit
2 Magpie
5 Mandarin
2 Nuthatch
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single black-headed gull, bullfinch (juvenile feeding on rowan berries next to the hide), chiffchaff, dunnock, grey heron and nuthatch
6 Blue tit
3 Coal tit
6 Great tit
2 Kingfisher
2 Little grebe
7 Mallard (five adult; two duckling)
9 Mandarin
2 Moorhen (one adult; one juvenile)
Also a bank vole

Contribution from DAJ and SB


Chiffchaff - AdelDam

Chiffchaff - credit Dave Johnston

13th August
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchaff, coal tit, kingfisher, magpie, mallard (female), woodpigeon and wren
3 Blue tit
3 Bullfinch (heard)
2 Chaffinch (pair)
4 Great spotted woodpecker (male; female; two juvenile)
4 Great tit
3 Mallard (adult with two duckling)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single bullfinch (heard), kingfisher, nuthatch, sparrowhawk (female, flying in front of the hide at about 30' east to west) and woodpigeon
3 Blue tit
3 Great tit
2 Little grebe (taking it in turns on nest duty)
4 Mallard
6 Mandarin
2 Moorhen (adult; juvenile)
2 Willow warbler
Also two bank vole

Amanita fungus near the entrance

Contributions from CRH, DAJ, SL and visitors

Blusherfungus - AdelDam

Amanita fungus - credit Steve Leahy

9th August
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchafff, jay, stock dove, willow warbler and woodpigeon
6 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
3 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (adult pair; two juvenile)
5 Great tit
3 Magpie
3 Mandarin (two male; one female)
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single kingfisher (in flight), robin (juvenile) and willow warbler
5 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (heard)
2 Coal tit
5 Great tit
2 Grey heron (two adult)*
2 Little grebe
7 Mallard
9 Mandarin
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
* The two grey heron fought. One of them landed next to the rushes to the left of the hide. Two little grebe nesting there became very agitated making strange calls. However, the nest survived this time.

Contribution from DAJ


Chaffinch - AdelDam

Chaffinch (male) - credit Dave Johnston

6th August
  Marsh hide

Single mandarin (male), nuthatch and woodpigeon
3 Blue tit
3 Chaffinch (two male; one female)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and juvenile)
5 Great tit
2 Moorhen

  Lake hide
Single bullfinch (heard), chiffchaff, kingfisher, little grebe, moorhen and red kite (overhead)
2 Blue tit
2 Grey heron
7 Mallard
3 Mandarin (one male; two female)
Also a bank vole

Contribution from SL and visitor

Mandarin - AdelDam

Mandarin (male) - credit Dave Johnston

4th August
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchaff (juvenile), coal tit, dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (female), jay (making strange cat-like mewing sound), magpie,  mandarin,  nuthatch and song thrush (heard)
5 Blue tit
3 Chaffinch (two male; one juvenile)
4 Great tit
2 Moorhen

Lake hide
Single dunnock, little grebe, moorhen and woodpigeon (overhead)
3 Black-headed gull
4 Blue tit
3 Great tit
2 Grey heron
2 Kingfisher (one chasing the other at speed across the water)
5 Mallard (including two duckling)
3 Mandarin

Also a visitor reported seeing a keeled skimmer dragonfly 

Contribution from SL

MycenaPseudocorticola - AdelDam

Mycena pseudocorticola - credit Steve Leahy

2nd August
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchaff, coal tit, kingfisher, magpie, mallard, mandarin and woodpigeon
3 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch 
3 Great spotted woodpecker (one male; one female; one juvenile)
6 Great tit
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch (possible family group)
3 Stock dove

Contribution from SL

Chiffchaff - AdelDam

Chiffchaff - credit Steve Leahy

July 2019

Green-veined White - Adel Dam

Green-veined White (female) - credit Steve Leahy

30th July
  Marsh hide

Single chaffinch (female), magpie, mandarin (male in moult) and moorhen (appearing to be guarding a nest)
2 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
3 Great tit
2 Jay (one looking very bedraggled)
3 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single black-headed gull, jay, kestrel (overhead getting close to the kite), kingfisher (flew to its customary perch at the end of the lake) and red kite (overhead)
2 Blue tit
3 Canada goose (overhead)
2 Coal tit
2 Great tit
2 Little grebe (on a nest at the edge of the island, covering their white egg with plant material when away)
7 Mandarin
6 Mallard (inc. one with five duckling)
2 Moorhen (adult and juv)
Also a green veined white butterfly

Male kestrel with three young in neighbouring field to the south west

Contributions from AB, DAJ and SL

CanadaGoose - Adel Dam

Canada goose - credit Dave Johnston

26th July
  Marsh hide

Single mallard (female)
4 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (three pair)
3 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (juv)
5 Great tit
3 Jay
3 Magpie
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
Also, a roe deer heard calling to the right of the hide and a visitor report of a stoat on the path to the hide

  Lake hide
Single great spotted woodpecker (juv)
12 Blue tit (all managing to get into the peanut feeder together)
14 Canada goose
3 Coal tit
2 Kingfisher (chasing each other)
2 Little grebe
4 Long-tailed tit
9 Mallard (one female with four young; one female with three young)
5 Mandarin
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch

Contribution from DAJ

LittleGrebe - AdelDam

Little grebe - credit Dave Johnston

23rd July
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch (heard), carrion crow, kingfisher, moorhen, nuthatch, tawny owl and woodpigeon
3 Blue tit
3 Chaffinch (two male; one female)
2 Chiffchaff
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (one male; one juv)
3 Great tit
3 Mandarin (female)

  Lake hide
Single coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (juv), kingfisher (adult male), and nuthatch 
3 Blackbird (two male; one female)
6 Black-headed gull (four adult; two juv)
2 Blue tit
4 Great tit
2 Grey heron (one adult; one juv)
2 Little grebe
2 Magpie
15 Mallard (including one group of three and one of four small duckling)
8 Mandarin (including four small duckling)
3 Moorhen (two mating adults; one juv)
2 Red kite (overhead, one of which attacked the adult heron)
3 Woodpigeon
Also lots of damselfly and dragonfly including banded demoiselle

Single blackbird (singing magnificently near the yews), nuthatch and two treecreeper (one chasing the other round the trunk of an oak near the yews)

Contributions from AB, CRH, DAJ and SL


Jay - credit Dave Johnston

21st July
(Guide in the Hide Day)
  Marsh hide

Single blackcap (male), chiffchaff, kingfisher (three very quick flypasts), mallard (female), robin and red kite
7 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
8 Chaffinch (five male and three female)
2 Coal tit
5 Great spotted woodpecker (two male, one female and two juv)
9 Great tit
3 Jay
2 Magpie
3 Mandarin (one male and two female)
2 Moorhen (adult)
5 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single buzzard, carrion crow, chiffchaff, coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (juvenile), kingfisher (juvenile male perched briefly (twice) - an adult male was seen by an anonymous visitor earlier in the day) and red kite 
3 Blackbird (two male; one female. Between them the males sang for most of the session)
5 Black-headed gull
6 Blue tit
3 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Little grebe
2 Magpie
10 Mallard (including female with three small duckling - seven earlier in the week!)
11 Mandarin
5 Moorhen (including two large juvenile)
2 Nuthatch
3 Woodpigeon

Also a blackcap (calling near the slipway), lots of damselflies (both common blue and blue-tailed were identified), one dragonfly (emperor or migrant hawker) and several butterflies (comma, meadow brown and small white)

Contributions from CRH and DAJ


Moorhen - credit Dave Johnston

19th July
  Marsh hide

Single blackcap (female), kingfisher (flying northerly up the stream), mallard (female) and small raptor (possibly kestrel, calling from the bushes in front of the hide)
5 Blue tit
3 Chaffinch (two male and one female)
2 Chiffchaff
3 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (one adult male and two juv)
7 Great tit
3 Jay
2 Magpie
2 Mandarin (female)
2 Moorhen (adult)
4 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
3 Blue tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (juv)
7 Great tit
2 Little grebe
7 Mallard (female with four ducklings and another female with three ducklings)
7 Mandarin

Single red kite (overhead) and stock dove

Contribution from DAJ

Buzzard - AdelDam

Buzzard - credit Roger Litton

16th July
  Marsh hide

Single coal tit, mallard (female), moorhen (adult) and nuthatch
9 Blue tit (approx)
3 Great spotted woodpecker (adult male and two juv)
9 Great tit (approx)
3 Mandarin (female)

 Lake hide
Single buzzard (giving good views from the hide, perched at the end of the lake), coal tit (looking very scruffy), nuthatch (looking very scruffy), red kite (overhead) and reed warbler (heard)
2 Blackcap (males calling to each other outside the hide)
5 Blue tit (one adult and five juv)
3 Great tit two adult and one juv)
2 Little grebe
4 Long-tailed tit
6 Mallard (one adult female and five very small ducklings)
8 Mandarin (one male in almost complete post-moult plumage and seven moulting)
3 Moorhen (two adult and one juv)

Contribution from DAJ

Mandarin - Adel Dam

Mandarin - credit Dave Johnston

14th July
Visitors reported seeing four kingfishers together from the lake hide

13th July
  Marsh hide

Single blackcap (male), kingfisher (juv male, stayed for twenty minutes), red kite (overhead), sparrowhawk (flying through) and treecreeper
2 Bullfinch (pair)
3 Jay
2 Great spotted woodpecker (juv males)

  Lake hide
Single great spotted woodpecker (juv), red kite (overhead) and reed warbler (heard)
2 Chiffchaff
8 Mallard
7 Mandarin
2 Moorhen (adults)

Single song thrush (heard by the spillway giving very good impression of bits of tawny owl and oystercatcher)

Contribution from DAJ

Speckled Wood - Adel Dam

Speckled wood - credit Chris Hardy

10th July
(inc. Breeding Bird Survey)
  Marsh hide

Single bullfinch, coal tit, goldcrest (juv), kingfisher and mandarin (female)
5 Blue tit (three adult and two juv)
3 Chaffinch (male)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (adult male and juv)
7 Great tit (three adult and four juv)
2 Jackdaw (adult feeding juv)
3 Jay
2 Long tailed tit (juv)
3 Magpie
2 Stockdove

  Lake hide
Single carrion crow, kingfisher (juv. female), reed warbler (heard), robin and wren
5 Blue tit
8 Great tit
2 Little grebe
7 Mallard
8 Mandarin (inc. one male in almost complete breeding plumage)
3 Moorhen (two adult and one juv)
Also a bank vole

Single red kite and stock dove
8 Blackbird
3 Blackcap
4 Blue tit
6 Bullfinch
5 Carrion crow
3 Chiffchaff
7 Great tit
2 Jay
4 Magpie
5 Nuthatch
3 Robin
5 Song thrush
4 Woodpigeon
10 Wren
Also a fox
Butterflies: single comma, red admiral and four speckled wood
Over 100 toadlets seen on the eastern path

Contributions from CRH, DAJ, RM and SL

Chaffinch - AdelDam

Chaffinch(m) - credit Chris Hardy

7th July
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchaff, great spotted woodpecker (juvenile), jackdaw, kingfisher (landed only briefly), mallard and moorhen
2 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
7 Great tit
3 Jay
2 Mandarin
3 Nuthatch
3 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single blackcap, chaffinch (female), coal tit, grey wagtail (on the spillway), jay, kingfisher (male), little grebe, wren and both reed bunting/reed warbler calling in reeds to the right of the lake
2 Blackbird (pair)
4 Blue tit
3 Chiffchaff (one singing and two juveniles flitting)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and juvenile)
7 Great tit
4 Greylag goose
3 Magpie
6 Mallard
4 Mandarin
3 Moorhen (including one juvenile)
2 Red kite
2 Woodpigeon 

Contribution from CRH

>> Over the last two weeks, large numbers of tiny toads have been crossing pathways in Adel Dam and Golden Acre park – difficult to avoid treading on them

5-6th July
Visitors [CH, PJS, SA and Gy] reported kingfisher(2) at the marsh hide, plus great spotted woodpecker(3), jay(2) and mandarin(2) elsewhere

Little_grebe AdelDam

Little grebe - credit Chris Hardy

2nd July
  Marsh hide

Single blackcap, blue tit, female chaffinch, moorhen and stock dove
3 Nuthatch
Also rabbit on the boardwalk

  Lake hide
Single chaffinch (male), coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (juvenile), red kite, reed bunting (male in reeds to left of hide), reed warbler (singing continuously in reeds to right of hide) and swallow
2 Blackbird (pair)
2 Blackcap
4 Blue tit (including two juvenile)
2 Carrion crow
4 Chiffchaff (one singing and at least three juvenile? chasing around the willows)
10 Great tit (at least ten, mostly juveniles on the peanut feeder)
4 Greylag goose (adult and three juvenile)
2 Kestrel (mobbing a red kite over the lake)
2 Little grebe (busy picking up and dropping sticks/weed)
12 Mallard (five adult, one with seven large ducklings)
7 Mandarin
3 Moorhen (including one juvenile)
2 Swift (low over lake)
2 Woodpigeon

A pair of roe deer streamside below the lake hide. 
Between the hides, two song thrush, two blackcap and a wren were holding a singing competition
Two stoat were seen in the reserve (AB and SB)

Contributions from CRH (mainly) and DAJ

1st July
An anonymous visitor reported kingfisher at the marsh hide

June 2019

30th June
Visitors (A&F, Al, Lu, RH and TLD) reported chiffchaff, kestrel (flew over lake), kingfisher(2), reed bunting (male singing), sedge warbler (? not confirmed), little grebe(2) and willow warbler (2) at the lake hide, plus blue tit, coal tit, great tit, kingfisher, nuthatch and great spotted woodpecker at the marsh hide.

29th June
Female blackcap at the lake hide [FB] plus little grebe, red kite, blue tit, coal tit, great spotted woodpecker, great tit, grey heron, greylag goose, mandarin and woodpigeon elsewhere [anon]

Jackdaw - AdelDam

Jackdaw - credit Dave Johnston

28th June
  Marsh hide

Single coal tit and male mandarin
4 Blackbird (including three juvenile)
3 Great spotted woodpecker (including a juvenile)
6 Great tit (including four juvenile)
3 Jay
2 Kingfisher (including juvenile)
2 Moorhen (adults)
2 Nuthatch
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single blackcap (male calling), chiffchaff, reed bunting (male calling) and reed warbler (calling from reeds to right of hide) 
2 Blackbird (a pair appear to be building a nest on the island)
6 Blue tit (including four juvenile)
3 Great tit (all juvenile)
4 Greylag goose (including three juvenile)
2 Kingfisher (including a juvenile)
3 Little grebe (one juvenile plus adults collecting weeds and twigs)
7 Mallard
6 Mandarin (four male; two female/juvenile?)
3 Moorhen (including one juvenile)
2 Nuthatch

Single male kestrel over Dohertys field (SW field) plus a treecreeper and fifteen great tit (two families?) near the lake spillway

Contributions from DAJ (mainly) plus visitors [Ca, SB, PJS and AH]

Little_grebe AdelDam

Little grebe - credit Chris Hardy

27th June
A visitor [Holl] reported blackcap, great spotted woodpecker (juvenile), great tit and jay at the marsh hide; kingfisher at the lake hide

25th June
   Marsh hide

Single curlew (calling from the east side of the reserve), jackdaw, jay, mandarin (female), moorhen and woodpigeon
3 Blackcap (two different singing males and a female)
2 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (two male, two female and at least two juveniles being fed in the willows)
2 Chiffchaff
2 Coal tit
5 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female and at least three juvenile)
4 Great tit
3 Magpie
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single carrion crow, chiffchaff, little grebe (fished during a circular tour of the lake) and nuthatch
2 Blackbird (male and female)
4 Blue tit (including two juvenile)
7 Great tit (family group? - two adults and five juveniles on the feeder together)
2 Magpie
9 Mallard (five male; four female)
5 Mandarin (all female)
5 Moorhen (including two juvenile of different sizes)

Contribution from CRH

22nd June
Visitors [K&S] reported chaffinch, coal tit, great tit, jay, nuthatch and great spotted woodpecker (probably a juvenile)

Kingfisher - Adel Dam

Kingfisher - credit Chris Hardy

21st June
  Marsh hide

Single blackcap (male), bullfinch (male), chiffchaff, jackdaw, jay (also seen by [SA]), magpie, moorhen, stock dove and wren
5 Blue tit (including at least three juveniles)
4 Chaffinch (two male; one female and at least one juvenile being fed by one of the males)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (two adult females)
6 Great tit (including at least three juveniles)
2 Mallard (pair)
2 Nuthatch
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single blue tit, carrion crow, chiffchaff, kingfisher (adult male), magpie and nuthatch
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and a juvenile)
2 Great tit
4 Greylag goose (one adult and three near full grown juveniles)
6 Mallard (three pair)
4 Mandarin (all female)
6 Moorhen (including three juveniles of various sizes)

Contribution from CRH

Also a pair of adult roe deer on Dohertys field (SW corner)  [SB]

18th June
Visitors[B&I, MA] saw kingfisher and grey heron at the lake hide

Great spotted woodpecker - Adel Dam

Great spotted woodpecker (m+j) - credit Chris Hardy

17th June  -   Breeding birds survey: CRH, PM and SL (unusually quiet morning!)
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchaff, coal tit, jay, mandarin (female), moorhen and nuthatch
2 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
3 Great spotted woodpecker (male; female; juvenile)
10 Great tit

  Lake hide
Single blackcap, jackdaw, mandarin, red kite, reed bunting (male calling) and swift (flew over the lake)
3 Blackbird (two male; one female - carrying nesting material)
2 Chiffchaff
5 Mallard
4 Moorhen (including one small juvenile)

   Around the reserve
Single reed bunting, song thrush (sang in the same area for over 20 min) and treecreeper
6 Blackbird               2 Great tit
2 Blackcap              2 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow        5 Chiffchaff
4 Jay                       4 Magpie
4 Nuthatch             9 Robin
17 Wren                   9 Woodpigeon
2 Great spotted woodpecker
Also small mixed group of house martin and swift circling above the entrance

Later visitors [H&C] also saw grey heron

Blackbird - AdelDam

Blackbird - credit Chris Hardy

16th June 
   Marsh hide

Single blackcap, chiffchaff, jay, moorhen, nuthatch and stock dove
2 Chaffinch (pair)
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female; one juvenile)
14 Great tit
2 Jackdaw
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single blackcap, blue tit, chiffchaff, coal tit, coot, jay, kingfisher (single female fishing at 8 am, but up to three birds seen in the afternoon [JMcA & PM]), magpie, red kite, robin (juvenile) and stock dove
3 Blackbird (two male plus one female in the morning;  lots of activity on Rush island in the afternoon - possible nest? [JMcA])
3 Carrion crow
3 Great tit
3 Grey heron (including a juvenile – still around later in the day [JMcA])
13 Mallard (five adults in the morning; female plus seven ducklings in the afternoon [JMcA])
3 Mandarin (including two juvenile)
6 Moorhen (including three juvenile - one large + two small)
2 Woodpigeon
Also bank vole [AR&JH]

Contributions from CRH (am - early morning BTO survey) and JMcA/PM (pm - later observations from guide in the hide session)

Grey Heron - Adel Dam

Grey heron - credit Dave Johnston

12th June
  Marsh hide

Single male blackcap, carrion crow, chiffchaff, grey heron (flew over towards the lake hide), magpie, moorhen, stock dove and wren
3 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
2 Coal tit
5 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female; two juvenile)
4 Great tit
4 Jackdaw (some on the feeders)
2 Jay
5 Mandarin (two moulting male; three female)
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single chiffchaff, grey heron (far corner of the lake), magpie, mandarin (female), nuthatch and woodpigeon
4 Blue tit
2 Coot
3 Great tit
4 Mallard (two moulting male; two female)
4 Mallard (two pair)
2 Moorhen
3 Tufted duck (two male; one female)

Contribution from CRH

Blackcap - AdelDam

Blackcap(m) - credit Chris Hardy

11th June
  Marsh hide

Single blackcap (male), carrion crow, chiffchaff, coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (adult male), jay and moorhen
4 Blue tit
3 Great tit
2 Mandarin (both female)
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single coot and nuthatch
3 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (both juveniles, feeding together)
7 Great tit (including five juvenile)
3 Grey heron (including one juvenile)
18 Mallard (four male; three female plus additional female with ten juvenile)
4 Moorhen (two adult plus adult with small chick)
2 Tufted duck (both male)

A mixed flock of 50+ house martin and twelve swallow

Contribution from DAJ

8th June
A visitor [FH] saw chiffchaff and blackcap at the marsh hide
A second visitor [JOS] reported blue tit, great tit, great spotted woodpecker(3), grey heron and also rabbit

5th June
A visitor [SH] saw four fox cubs on a corner of Dohertys field (west edge of reserve)

Great spotted woodpecker - Adel Dam

Great spotted woodpecker(m&j) - credit Dave Johnston

4th June
  Marsh hide

Single carrion crow, coal tit, dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (flew through the area), jackdaw and moorhen
2 Blackbird (both male)
4 Blackcap (two pair singing and chasing)
2 Blue tit (carrying food to box 10)
2 Chaffinch (pair)
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female and a juvenile feeding from the fat container [DAJ])
4 Great tit (including at least two juvenile)
9 Mandarin (four male (moulting); two female - one with three juvenile)
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single blackcap, black-headed gull, chiffchaff, great spotted woodpecker (adult male), jay, long-tailed tit, magpie, moorhen, nuthatch, red kite and possible spotted flycatcher [AB]
2 Blackbird (both male)
4 Blue tit (including at least two juvenile)
3 Carrion crow
2 Coot (adult plus large juvenile)
4 Great tit (including at least two juvenile)
6 Greylag goose (family of adult pair and four gosling feeding on Cooks field (east) at 7 am were at the lake hide by 11 am)
20 Mallard (five male; four female plus additional female with ten juveniles)
3 Mandarin (female and two juvenile)
2 Reed bunting (both singing males)
5 Tufted duck (three male; two female)

Single buzzard (DAJ], garden warbler [AB], reed bunting (male [DAJ]), possible whitethroat [AB] and willow warbler [DAJ]) all in the SE corner of the reserve plus two treecreeper (chasing near the entrance)

Contribution from CRH (mostly)

1st-2nd June
Visitors [anon, RS, FJ and M&C] reported stock dove, up to three great spotted woodpecker (including some juvenile), treecreeper, the greylag goose family (two adults plus four gosling), possible pied flycatcher and a weasel
A volunteer [BT] heard garden warbler on the eastern path behind the lake 

May 2019

Mandarin - AdelDam

Moulting male mandarin - credit Dave Johnston

31st May
  Marsh hide

Single jay and well moulted male mandarin
5 Blue tit
6 Coal tit (including pair feeding a single juvenile)
3 Great spotted woodpecker (adult pair plus juvenile)
3 Great tit
2 Magpie
9 Moorhen (including seven chicks)
4 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single blackcap, buzzard, chiffchaff and great spotted woodpecker (male)
4 Blue tit
3 Coot (including one juvenile)
4 Great tit
3 Grey heron (including one juvenile)
20+ House martin/swallow (mixed flock high above the trees)
3 Mallard (male)
7 Mandarin (two male plus female with four juvenile)
6 Moorhen (adult with well grown juvenile; adult with at least three chicks - hiding from the herons)
2 Red kite
2 Reed bunting (pair)

Contribution from DAJ

Great spotted woodpecker - Adel Dam

Great spotted woodpecker(juvs) - credit Chris Hardy/Stephen Leahy

30th May  -   Breeding birds survey with DAJ, CRH, PM and RM
Many of the male mandarin and mallard have started their annual moult

  Marsh hide
Single blackcap, chaffinch (female) and mallard (male)
5 Blue tit (two constantly carrying feed to box 10)
2 Blackbird (pair)         2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
6 Great tit                   2 Magpie
2 Mandarin (male)
9 Moorhen (two adult plus seven very small chicks)
3 Nuthatch (including one juvenile)
2 Wren (one carrying food (cranefly))

  Lake hide
Single chiffchaff, dunnock, jackdaw, kingfisher, red kite, robin and woodpigeon
2 Blackbird (pair)        2 Black-headed gull
6 Blue tit (one visiting nest box)
2 Coot (adult plus juvenile)
2 Great tit                    3 Jay
2 Magpie                      2 Mallard (pair)
2 Mandarin (pair)         2 Tufted duck (both male)
6 Moorhen (adult plus well grown juvenile; adult plus three small juvenile)

  Around the reserve
Single bullfinch (male), mandarin (male), mistle thrush, red kite and willow warbler
9 Blackbird              4 Blackcap
11 Blue tit (seven visiting nest boxes)
3 Carrion crow        3 Chiffchaff
4 Great spotted woodpecker
6 Great tit (three visiting nest boxes)
6 Greylag goose (adult pair plus four juvenile)
2 Jackdaw             3 Long-tailed tit
3 Magpie                3 Mallard (pair plus lone male)
3 Nuthatch            10 Robin
3 Song thrush        2 Stock dove
3 Treecreeper        27 Woodpigeon
14 Wren

Wren - AdelDam

Wren (and cranefly) - credit Chris Hardy

28th May
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchaff, jackdaw, jay, magpie, reed bunting (male in reeds to right of hide), robin, tawny owl (spotted flying through trees close to the hide by a visitor [LW]) and woodpigeon
2 Blackbird ( pair)
2 Blackcap
3 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
2 Coal tit
5 Great spotted woodpecker (two male and one female feeding two juvenile)
3 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair)
9 Mandarin (four male and a female with four small duckling)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single great spotted woodpecker (adult male), great tit, greylag goose, kingfisher (fleeting glimpse as it crossed the lake [CRH, SB]), little grebe [SB; JB], mandarin (female), red kite [JB] and robin
2 Blackbird (both male)
2 Black-headed gull
2 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
2 Coot (adult – spent time chasing ducks - and a juvenile)
6 Mallard (four male; two female)
7 Moorhen (adult with large juvenile; adult with four very small chicks)
2 Reed bunting (pair flitting around the central island)
8 Tufted duck (five male; three female)

A roe deer was seen early morning on the bridleway on northern edge of reserve [SB]; and a family of greylag geese (two adults; four gosling) feeding on Cooks field (east)

Contribution from CRH

Jackdaw - AdelDam

Jackdaw - credit Chris Hardy

27th May
  Marsh hide

Single blackcap (male calling), coal tit, jay (a later visitor saw several jays [CJ]), kingfisher, robin, stock dove and woodpigeon
3 Blue tit (including a pair doing the feeding run to nestbox 10)
3/4 Great spotted woodpecker (adult pair plus one/two juvenile)
3 Great tit
2 Jackdaw
2 Magpie
2 Mallard (pair)
12 Mandarin (six male - two starting to moult- plus three female (one with three juvenile))
5 Moorhen (two adult; three small juvenile)
2 Nuthatch
2 Wren

  Lake hide
Single reed bunting (male calling) and sparrowhawk (reported flying over the lake (before 10 am) by a visitor) 
3 Coot (pair plus juvenile)
6 Mallard (five male; one female)
2 Moorhen
5 Tufted duck (three male; two female)

A visitor [MT] reported a treecreeper

Contribution from DAJ

Bullfinch - AdelDam

Bullfinch(m) - credit Chris Hardy

26th May
Visitors [H&M and Phil] saw a family of greylag geese (adult pair plus four gosling) at the lake hide.
Also great spotted woodpecker, mandarin, robin, treecreeper, blue tit, great tit and rabbit (including a juvenile) around the reserve

24th May
  Marsh hide

Single coal tit, jay, mallard (male) and stock dove
3 Blue tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (both male; a juvenile was seen earlier in the day [SB])
3 Great tit
2 Magpie
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Nuthatch
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single blackcap (male), bullfinch (male), coot (chasing almost every duck/duckling who came close), grey heron ([SB]), jay, nuthatch and reed bunting (male) 
2 Blue tit
2 Great tit
6 Greylag goose (adult pair plus four gosling)
7 Long-tailed tit (including five juvenile)
5 Mallard (four male; one female)
15 Mandarin (female with three half grown juvenile; plus two female with nine very small juvenile)
7 Moorhen (adult with half grown juvenile; two adults with at least three small juvenile)
4 Tufted duck (two pair (ignored by the coot))

Contribution from DAJ

Coal_Tit - AdelDam

Coal tit - credit Dave Johnston

21st May
  Marsh hide

Single carrion crow, chiffchaff, coal tit, jay, moorhen, robin and wren
3 Blackbird (two male; one female)
2 Blue tit (foraging - took many green caterpillars to nestbox 10)
2 Bullfinch (both male)
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; two female)
4 Great tit
3 Jackdaw
2 Long-tailed tit (collecting wild food)
4 Mandarin (three male; one female)
2 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (male), blue tit, bullfinch (male), carrion crow, chiffchaff, great spotted woodpecker (male), grey heron, nuthatch and robin
2 Blackcap
2 Coal tit
2 Coot (including one juvenile. The mother spent a lot of time chasing off nearby ducks)
2 Great tit
6 Greylag goose (family group seen earlier on Cooks field)
2 Jackdaw
3 Mallard (two male; one female)
6 Mandarin (adult pair plus four juvenile)
3 Moorhen (including one juvenile)
2 Reed bunting (pair seen by anonymous visitor)
2 Tufted duck ( pair)
5 Woodpigeon

A single male bullfinch was seen on the eastern path and a carrion crow attacking a mandarin pair near the entrance (possible nest?). 
Foraging on Cooks field (east) were a mistle thrush (up to four [BT] juveniles were seen in the high nest nearby) and a family group of greylag geese (including four gosling)

Contributions from CRH and DAJ

Greylag goose family - AdelDam

Greylag goose family - credit Chris Hardy

19th May – Open day at Adel Dam  (CRH, PM, JMcA)
  Marsh hide

Single chiffchaff, coal tit, jackdaw, jay, moorhen (nesting material), robin and woodpigeon
2 Blackcap
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
2 Great tit
4 Mallard (three male; one female)
4 Mandarin (three male; one female)
2 Nuthatch
4 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (male), chiffchaff, dunnock, jay, magpie, mandarin (male), nuthatch, reed bunting (male), robin, treecreeper and woodpigeon
2 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
2 Coal tit
3 Coot (including one juvenile)
2 Great tit
2 Grey heron
5 Mallard (four male; one female)
5 Moorhen (including three juvenile)
4 Tufted duck (two pair)

Later in the day an anonymous visitor reported seeing two fieldfare

Garganey - AdelDam

Garganey(m) - credit Dave Johnston

15th May  -  Breeding birds survey – DAJ, PM, AS, SL, CRH
  Marsh hide

Single blackcap, chiffchaff, goldcrest, jackdaw, jay, long-tailed tit, robin and woodpigeon
4 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two males; one female)
4 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair)
5 Mandarin (all males - loafing in the trees)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove
2 Treecreeper
2 Wren

  Lake hide
Single chiffchaff, dunnock, garganey (male feeding around the lake for over an hour), great spotted woodpecker (male), long-tailed tit and nuthatch
3 Black-headed gull
2 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
2 Coal tit
3 Coot (including one juvenile)
2 Great tit
8 Greylag goose (pair with four gosling - joined later by a second pair)
2 Jay
6 Mallard (four males; two females)
6 Mandarin (pair with four duckling)
6 Moorhen (pair with four juveniles)
2 Tufted duck (pair)
2 Woodpigeon

Single reed bunting (male calling) 
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two adult pairs feeding young at two nest holes)
2 Mistle thrush (pair feeding young at a high nest - only one juvenile visible from below)
8 Blackbird           6 Blackcap
10 Blue tit             3 Chiffchaff
2 Coal tit              2 Goldcrest
13 Great tit           7 Jackdaw
6 Jay                    3 Magpie
2 Mallard (pair)    4 Nuthatch
2 Pheasant          21 Robin
3 Song thrush     2 Stock dove
2 Treecreeper      5 Woodpigeon    7 Wren

Jay - Adel Dam

Jay - credit Ken Pride

11th-14th May
Anonymous visitors saw treecreepers, a pair of shelduck, a family of greylag geese (four gosling) and a coot family (single juvenile) around the reserve

10th May
  Marsh hide

Single tawny owl [anon]
3 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
2 Chaffinch (pair)
2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two males; one female)
2 Great tit
2 Jackdaw
4 Jay (often together)
2 Magpie
2 Mallard (pair)
5 Mandarin (four males; one female)
2 Moorhen (pair - possibly nesting in reeds to the right of the pond)
4 Nuthatch (including one juvenile)
2 Red kite (overhead)
4 Stock dove (including one juvenile)

   Lake hide
Single reed bunting (male calling from reeds to the right) and robin
4 Blue tit
8 Canada goose (pair with six very new gosling)
2 Coal tit
3 Coot (including one juvenile)
3 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair)
3 Moorhen (including one juvenile)
2 Shelduck (pair [anon])

Single chiffchaff (calling), pheasant (male on the path between hides) 
4 Blackbird (three males; one female)
2 Blackcap (males calling)
2 Common buzzard (over Dohertys southern field
2 Great spotted woodpecker
3 Jay [anon]

In addition, four roe deer (two adult + two juvenile) were reported by a photographer [via SB] earlier in the week

Contribution from DAJ

CanadaGoose - AdelDam

Canada goose - credit Chris Hardy

8th May
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (female), bullfinch (male on feeder table), chiffchaff, coal tit, jay, magpie, moorhen, robin and wren
2 Blackcap (pair on the move)
2 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
2 Chaffinch (pair)
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two males; one female)
4 Great tit
2 Jackdaw
4 Mallard (all male)
5 Mandarin (four males; one female)
2 Nuthatch
4 Stock dove
3 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single blackcap (male on the suet feeder), canada goose, coal tit, dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (female), jay, magpie, mandarin (male), nuthatch and robin
2 Blackbird (pair)
2 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
2 Chiffchaff (pair? flitting through willows beside the hide)
3 Coot (including single chick)
3 Great tit
4 Greylag goose
2 Long-tailed tit
5 Mallard (four males; one female)
3 Moorhen (including single chick)
2 Reed bunting (pair in willows on right hand side of the lake)

  Other location
A treecreeper on the northmost bridge over the stream

Contribution from CRH


Stock dove - credit Chris Hardy

6th May
  Marsh hide

Single tawny owl (seen by visitors) 
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
4 Mandarin (all male)
3 Nuthatch
A female roe deer was also reported by many visitors

  Lake hide
Single canada goose, great spotted woodpecker (male) and reed bunting (male calling) 
3 Coot (including one chick)
8 Greylag goose (a pair with four goslings plus a second pair)
2 Jay
6 Mallard (three pairs)
3 Moorhen (including one chick)

Other locations
Single roe deer reported by visitors near east side path
Also two blackcap (males calling), willow warbler and chiffchaff on the west side of the reserve (near path between the two hides)

Contribution from DAJ

5th May
Visitors (E&M and JY) saw blackbird, blue tit, jay, mallard, nuthatch, robin, wren and two weasels

3-4th May
Visitors [B&I and Fr] reported a pair of bullfinch at the marsh hide; female? blackcap and male brambling at the lake hide; and great spotted woodpecker, mandarin, grey heron, jay, treecreeper and nuthatch around the reserve

Mistle thrush - AdelDam

Mistle thrush - credit Chris Hardy

1st May
   Marsh hide

Single chaffinch (male), chiffchaff, curlew (heard) and jackdaw
4 Blue tit (two coming and going in the nearby nest box (10))
2 Carrion crow
2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two males; one female)
6 Great tit
2 Magpie
3 Mallard (two males; one female)
6 Mandarin (five males; one female)
2 Mistle thrush (very agitated - other birds joined in - couldn't identify any obvious reason)
2 Moorhen (nestbuilding in progress among the reeds)
3 Mute swan (flew over)
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin
2 Stock dove
Also one rabbit

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (female), bullfinch (heard only), canada goose (appeared from the margins when the greylags landed), chiffchaff (singing in tree next to the hide), coot (tried to take a stray mallard duckling -  quickly seen off by the mother), jay, magpie, mandarin (male) and song thrush (singing atop a tree in the far corner of the lake) 
3 Blue tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
3 Great tit
5 Greylag goose (landed on the lake and stayed)
15 Mallard (female with eleven ducklings plus two males and a female)
2 Moorhen
2 Robin
2 Shelduck (a pair landed on the lake but took off after 5 minutes)
9 Woodpigeon (three in trees around the lake, the rest in a group that flew over)

   Other locations
Single grey wagtail in the leat 
On Cooks field (east) were single greylag goose, mistle thrush, two magpie and a group of woodpigeon lined up on a wall
A skylark was singing over Dohertys field (west) and a group of five roe deer feeding in the panhandle area (8 am)  - took off at great speed when I appeared

Contribution from CRH

April 2019

Moorhen - AdelDam

Moorhen - credit Dave Johnston

30th April
  Marsh hide

Single jay, moorhen and skylark (overhead)
6 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
3 Great tit
5 Mandarin (four male and one female)
4 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single blackcap (heard) and coal tit
4 Blue tit
2 Canada goose
2 Coot
2 Dunnock
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
4 Great tit
11 Greylag goose
6 Mallard (three male, one female and two other female with twelve and eight young respectively)
4 Moorhen (including one with two young)
2 Mute swan (overhead)
2 Nuthatch
3 Robin
2 Tufted duck (pair)

At the spillway, single blackcap and song thrush. On the path between the hides, goldcrests heard calling.

Contributions from DAJ and PM

Grey wagtail - Adel Dam

Grey wagtail - credit Dave Johnston

28th April
(Dawn Chorus Walk)

The following seen/heard around the reserve:
Single tawny owl (female, calling) and willow warbler
5 Blackcap (male)
4 Chiffchaff
4 Goldcrest
2 Mistle thrush
4 Song thrush
Also, many blackbird, robin and wren

  Marsh hide
Single jay
6 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
4 Great tit
2 Mallard (two males)
4 Mandarin (three male and one female)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
4 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (female), bullfinch (male), coot, grey heron, mallard (female with ten young) and reed bunting (male)
2 Canada goose
2 Dunnock
2 Grey wagtail (pair)
6 Greylag goose
4 (additional) Mallard (three male and one female)
2 Robin

Single red kite (overhead)
23 Fieldfare in west adjacent field (Doherty's)
2 Oystercatcher (overhead)
2 Treecreeper

Contributions from BT and DAJ

Fieldfare - AdelDam

Fieldfare - credit Dave Johnston

26th April
A pair of reed bunting at the marsh hide.
Single mallard (female) with eleven young on the lake. From the lake hide a male reed bunting was heard.
Also a speckled wood butterfly seen several times recently, today on the bank from the lake hide.
Single male kestrel hovering over the west adjacent field (Doherty's).

Contributions from CC, DAJ and GH  

23rd April
(Full reserve survey)
  Marsh hide

Single green woodpecker (heard), moorhen and willow warbler
2 Blackbird (pair)
2 Blackcap
5 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
2 Chiffchaff
2 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
4 Great tit
3 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
3 Magpie
2 Mallard (two male)
2 Mandarin (pair)
3 Nuthatch
3 Robin
4 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon
2 Wren
Also a bank vole

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (male), coal tit, grey heron and willow warbler
2 Blackcap
3 Blue tit
2 Canada goose
2 Chiffchaff
2 Coot
2 Dunnock
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
4 Great tit
5 Greylag goose
2 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Mallard (two male)
3 Moorhen (pair with four young + single adult with one young)
3 Nuthatch
4 Robin
2 Tufted duck (pair)
3 Woodpigeon
Also two bank vole

Single pheasant (male), stock dove and willow warbler
8 Blackbird
2 Blackcap
16 Blue tit
4 Canada goose
9 Carrion crow
3 Chiffchaff
8 Fieldfare
3 Goldcrest
2 Goldfinch
5 Great spotted woodpecker (three male and two female)
9 Great tit
2 Greylag goose
4 Jackdaw
2 Long-tailed tit
5 Magpie
2 Mallard (two male)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Mistle thrush
8 Nuthatch
3 Oystercatcher
18 Robin
2 Song thrush
3 Treecreeper
7 Woodpigeon
15 Wren

Contributions from AS, DAJ and RM

Bank Vole - AdelDam

Bank vole - credit Dave Johnston

21st April
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (male), blue tit, coal tit, dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (female), jay, mandarin (male), moorhen, nuthatch, robin, song thrush (heard) and wren (heard)
4 Great tit

  Lake hide
Single blackcap (male), bullfinch (male), carrion crow (overhead), chaffinch (heard), chiffchaff, coal tit, coot, jay (overhead), mandarin (male), moorhen, nuthatch and wren (heard)
3 Blue tit
4 Canada goose
3 Dunnock
5 Greylag goose
(Some aggression between the geese)
6 Magpie
4 Mallard (three male and one female)
2 Red kite (overhead)
2 Reed bunting (pair)
3 Robin (one coming into the hide)
2 Woodpigeon

Contributions from CRH, PK and SL

Mallard - AdelDam

Mallard defending young - credit Dave Johnston

16th April
  Marsh hide

A single roe deer (male) and a bank vole seen

  Lake hide
Single common buzzard, coot and red kite
2 Blackcap (two male)
2 Canada goose
3 Gadwall (two male and one female)
3 Greylag goose
5 Mallard (five male)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Shelduck (pair)
Also a bank vole

Barn owl seen flying through. Approximately twenty redpoll seen from the east path. Willow warbler seen and heard from the west path. Two blackcaps (both male), great spotted woodpecker (female) and willow warbler seen in the north east corner. Goldcrest seen near the willow screen. Approximately twenty three redwing in trees seen from the path between the reserve and the hotel.

Contributions from AB, DAJ and SB

Blackcap - AdelDam

Blackcap - credit Dave Johnston

14th April
  Marsh hide

Single blackcap (male), bullfinch (male), chiffchaff, magpie, red kite, sparrowhawk (male) and treecreeper
5 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (three pair)
3 Coal tit
2 Common buzzard (overhead)
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two pair)
4 Great tit
4 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Mallard (two male)
3 Mandarin (two male and one female)
4 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon
Also, a bank vole and four roe deer

  Lake hide
Single great spotted woodpecker (male), grey heron, reed bunting (male), song thrush, sparrowhawk (female) and wren
2 Blackbird (pair)
2 Blackcap (two male, both vocal and coming to blows)
3 Blue tit
2 Chiffchaff
2 Coal tit
2 Dunnock
3 Great tit
2 Jay
3 Long-tailed tit
2 Nuthatch
2 Red kite (overhead)
Also two bank voles

Contributions from BT, DAJ and PJ


Shelduck - credit Dave Johnston

9th April
  Marsh hide

Single carrion crow (overhead), coal tit, robin and woodpigeon
2 Blue tit
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
2 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Mallard (two male)
3 Mandarin (two male and one female)
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single coot, dunnock, grey heron, greylag goose, moorhen, nuthatch, reed bunting (heard) and songthrush
2 Blackcap (heard)
2 Canada goose
5 Mallard (three male and two female)
2 Robin

Contributions from AB, AS, RM and SL

Greylag - AdelDam

Greylag goose - credit Dave Johnston

1st April
  Marsh hide

Single wren
7 Blue tit
10 Chaffinch (five pair)
3 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
3 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Mallard (pair)
3 Mandarin (two male and one female)
2 Moorhen
4 Stock dove
Also good views of a female roe deer

  Lake hide
Single song thrush and treecreeper
5 Blue tit
2 Canada goose (accompanied by a greylag)
2 Coal tit
2 Coot
2 Dunnock
3 Great tit
2 Greylag goose (spending a long time on the island)
3 Long-tailed tit
6 Mallard (four male and two female)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Robin
2 Teal (pair)

Contibutions from DAJ and PM

Great spotted woodpecker - AdelDam

Great spotted woodpecker - credit Dave Johnston

March 2019

Roe Deer - Adfel Dam

Roe deer - credit Kia Ng

29th March
  Marsh hide

Single blackcap (male heard)
5 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
6 Chaffinch (three pair)
4 Chiffchaff
4 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
3 Great tit
2 Jay
3 Magpie
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
6 Stock dove
4 Woodpigeon
Also a bank vole and a roe deer

  Lake hide
Single grey heron
3 Blue tit
2 Canada goose (with other greylag tagging along)
2 Coot
2 Dunnock
3 Chiffchaff
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Greylag goose
2 Long-tailed tit
6 Mallard (four male and two female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin
4 Teal (two pair)

Single common buzzard, song thrush and red kite (overhead); two great spotted woodpecker and two treecreeper 

Contribution from SB and DAJ

On 27th March a little egret was seen from the marsh hide, perching in trees opposite. A shelduck seen from the lake hide.

Teal - Adel Dam

Teal - credit Dave Johnston

26th March
  Marsh hide

Single dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (female), jay, nuthatch, moorhen and robin
2 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow (one swallowing three small stones)
2 Chaffinch (two male)
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Mallard (two male)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Mistle thrush (overhead)
2 Woodpigeon (overhead)
Also a tawny owl heard deep in the willows to the right of the hide.

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (female), chaffinch (male), coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (male), great tit, magpie (overhead) and robin
3 Black-headed gull (overhead)
4 Blue tit
2 Buzzard (overhead)
2 Carrion crow (overhead)
2 Coot
2 Canada goose
2 Dunnock
3 Greylag goose (one keeping very close to the pair of canada goose)
2 Long-tailed tit
3 Mallard (two male and one female)
3 Moorhen
2 Red kite (overhead)
4 Teal (two pair)

Two grey wagtail near the beck at the lake hide; single treecreeper feeding in the gnarled tree near the lake hide.

Contributions from AB, DAJ, JMcA and SL

Wren - Adel Dam

Wren - credit Dave Johnston

25th March
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (male), mistle thrush (heard), nuthatch, red kite, song thrush (heard) and woodpigeon
2 Blue tit
3 Chaffinch (one male and two female)
2 Dunnock
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
6 Great tit
2 Mallard (two male)
3 Mandarin (two male and one female)
3 Robin

  Lake hide
Single great tit
3 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
3 Mallard (two male and one female)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
8 Teal (five male and three female)
Also single bank vole

Three great spotted woodpecker seen from the eastern path near Cook's field. Single wren near the yews.

Contributions from CRH, DAJ and SL

Chiffchaff - Adel Dam

Chiffchaff - credit Dave Johnston

22nd March
  Marsh hide

Single magpie and moorhen
5 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (pair)
3 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
4 Great tit
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Mallard (two male)
4 Mandarin (three male and one female)
4 Nuthatch
4 Stock dove

  Lake hide
Single chiffchaff, coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (male), long-tailed tit and song thrush
4 Black-headed gull
7 Blue tit
2 Canada goose (under the feeders)
5 Carrion crow
2 Coal tit
2 Coot
3 Dunnock
3 Great tit
3 Jackdaw (overhead)
4 Mallard (four male)
4 Mandarin (two pair)
3 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
2 Red kite (overhead)
2 Robin

Three chiffchaff heard in different locations. A single male reed bunting calling from the hedge between Cooke's fields at the east side. 

Contribution from DAJ and SL

Robin - Adel Dam

Robin - credit Dave Johbnston

19th March
  Marsh hide

Single dunnock, grey heron (flew over), jay, long-tailed tit and nuthatch
2 Blackbird (male and female)
2 Blue tit
5 Carrion crow
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
5 Great tit
3 Mallard (all male)
2 Moorhen
3 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single blackbird (male), carrion crow, herring gull (juvenile circled the lake but did not land), reed bunting and robin
18 Black-headed gull
3 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Coot
2 Dunnock
7 Great tit
2 Grey wagtail (chasing in the sluice area - one landed in the outflow and searched for food)
2 Long-tailed tit
8 Mallard (five males; three females)
4 Mandarin (two pairs)
3 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Song thrush (one in the feeding the area the other singing atop a tree on the far side of the lake)
2 Teal (both male)
2 Woodpigeon

Single dipper and chiffchaff

Contribution from AB and CRH


Chaffinch - Adel Dam

Chaffinch - credit Dave Johnston

17th March (Guide In The Hide Day)
  Marsh hide

Single dunnock, mistle thrush (calling), pheasant (male feeding on the ground most of the session), treecreeper and robin (another 3 were calling in the surrounding trees)
2 Blackbird (male and  female)
8 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
10 Chaffinch (five pairs)
4 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two males; two females)
8 Great tit
2 Jackdaw
2 Jay
3 Long-tailed tit
3 Magpie
6 Mallard (four males; two females)
8 Mandarin (four pairs)
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
8 Stock dove
4 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single dunnock, great spotted woodpecker (female), jay and song thrush (in the feeder area)
3 Blackbird (two males; one female)
2 Carrion crow
2 Coal tit
2 Coot
3 Great tit
3 Long-tailed tit
8 Mallard (five males; three females)
3 Mandarin (two males; one female)
3 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
2 Red kite
2 Robin
7 Teal (four males; three females)
2 Woodpigeon
Also single bank vole under the feeders

Contributions from CRH, DAJ, JMcA and PM

Great spotted woodpecker - Adel Dam

Great spotted woodpecker - credit Steve Leahy

15th March
  Marsh hide

Single great spotted woodpecker (female), jay, magpie, sparrowhawk (on feeder gantry, then later flying low across the pond) and wren
2 Blackbird (pair)
4 Blue tit
3 Chaffinch (two male and one female)
5 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Mallard (pair)
5 Mandarin (three male and two female)
2 Nuthatch
3 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon
Also a roe deer to the left of the hide approach path

  Lake hide
Single buzzard, coal tit, dunnock, long-tailed tit, magpie, mistle thrush (heard), moorhen, song thrush and wren
4 Black-headed gull
6 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
2 Coot
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair, together)
5 Great tit
3 Mallard (two male and one female)
2 Mandarin (both male)
2 Nuthatch
3 Red kite (overhead)
2 Reed bunting (both male)
6 Teal (four male and two female)

  Other locations
Sparrowhawk and treecreeper seen from east path
One lesser redpoll and a pair of bullfinch from west path by the yews
In the field to the east of the reserve forty four black headed gull and forty two woodpigeon

Contribution from DAJ, SB, SL and visitors

Nuthatch - Adel Dam

Nuthatch - credit Steve Leahy

12th March
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (male), coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (female), nuthatch and pheasant (male)
7 Chaffinch (three male and four female)
3 Blue tit
8 Great tit
3 Long-tailed tit
2 Mallard (both male)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Robin

  Lake hide
Single curlew (heard), dunnock, jay, little egret, magpie and moorhen
4 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow (overhead)
2 Coal tit
2 Coot
2 Great tit
2 Long-tailed tit
6 Mallard (four male and two female)
4 Mandarin (three male and one female)
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin
3 Teal (all male)

  Other locations
A curlew was seen flying over Doherty's field by the entrance. Five redwing and a male greenfinch were seen from the bridleway bordering the reserve.

Contributions from DAJ, SB and SL



Song Thrush - Adel Dam

Song thrush - credit Chris hardy

10th March
  Marsh hide

Single coal tit, dunnock, jay, nuthatch, robin and woodpigeon
2 Blackbird (both male)
2 Blue tit
2 Canada goose (flew over)
2 Carrion crow
8 Chaffinch (four pairs)
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two males; one female)
6 Great tit
2 Long-tailed tit
3 Mallard (all male)
5 Mandarin (four males; one female)
2 Moorhen

  Lake hide
Single bullfinch (male), coal tit, reed bunting (male called for 30 mins. from several locations around the lake) and song thrush (foraging in the feeder area) 
2 Blackbird (both male)
3 Black-headed gull
4 Blue tit
2 Coot
2 Dunnock
4 Great tit
3 Mallard (two males; one female)
8 Mandarin (five males; three females)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Robin
3 Teal (one male; two females)

  Other locations
Curlew were heard calling several times during the session. A song thrush was feeding near the yews and four goldfinch on the edge of reserve along the bridleway. 
A goldcrest and treecreeper were seen on the back (E) path. Also 70+ black-headed gull, two carrion crow, two magpie, two mallard (pair), two mistle thrush, two pheasant and ten woodpigeon on Cooks field (E).
Several of 19 black-headed gull on Dohertys field (W) had full head colour.

Contribution from CRH

On 9th March a visitor reported seeing four roe deer


Scarlet elf cup - Adel Dam

Scarlet elf cup - credit Dave Johnston

8th March
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (female), brambling (male), goldfinch, mallard (male), moorhen, reed bunting (heard), robin and woodpigeon
4 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (pair)
2 Carrion crow
2 Coal tit
8 Chaffinch (four pair)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (pair)
2 Great tit
2 Jay
3 Magpie
9 Mandarin (four male and five female)
2 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove
Also scarlet elf cup fungus

  Lake hide
Single brambling (male), common buzzard (overhead), great spotted woodpecker (male), long-tailed tit, reed bunting (male) and red kite (overhead)
12 Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
3 Coal tit
2 Coot
2 Dunnock
2 Great tit
8 Mallard (four pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
4 Robin
7 Teal (four male and three female)

Elsewhere, a mistle thrush, song thrush and treecreeper seen from the western peripheral path between the hides. A reed bunting heard from this area. Also several goldcrests heard from the yew trees.

Contributions from DAJ, SB and SL

Common frog - AdelDam

Common frog - credit Dave Johnston

5th March
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (female), carrion crow, chaffinch (male), coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (female), magpie, mallard (male), mistle thrush, sparrowhawk (male), stock dove, water rail (seemed to be intimidated by moorhen) and woodpiegeon
2 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (pair)
5 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
3 Mandarin (two male and one female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single chaffinch (male), coal tit, mistle thrush (heard), song thrush (heard) and sparrowhawk (male) 
5 Black-headed gull
3 Buzzard (overhead)
2 Blue tit
2 Coot
2 Dunnock
4 Great tit
10 Mallard (five pair)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Nuthatch
2 Red kite (overhead)
3 Robin
7 Teal (four male and three female)

  Other location
A treecreeper and a song thrush seen from the paths to the east and north

Contributions from DAJ, SB and SL

Brambling - Adel Dam

Brambling - credit Derek Smith

1st March
  Marsh hide

Single brambling (male), dunnock, moorhen, robin and stock dove
2 Blackbird (one male and one female)
5 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
10 Chaffinch (five pair)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (one male and one female)
6 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
2 Mallard (pair)
3 Mandarin (two male and one female)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
4 Stock dove
3 Woodpigeon
Also a bank vole was seen and frogs were mating in the pond.

  Lake hide
Single buzzard (overhead), coot, great spotted woodpecker (male), magpie, mistle thrush (heard), nuthatch, red kite (overhead), song thrush and pheasant (male)
10 Black-headed gull
7 Blue tit
4 Canada goose
3 Coal tit
3 Dunnock (displaying together)
3 Great tit
2 Greylag goose
2 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
8 Mallard (five male and three female)
10 Mandarin (five pair)
2 Moorhen
3 Robin
8 Teal (five male and three female)
Also a bank vole; a roe deer (nearby)

  Other locations
In the field to the west of the reserve five starling and approximately 100 redwing
In the field to the east of the reserve (Cook's) one lesser redpoll and approximately 50 redwing 
In the east area of the reserve four blackbird (two pair), one great spotted woodpecker (male) two song thrush and one treecreeper
In the yew tree area in the west of the reserve two great spotted woodpecker (a pair displaying)

Contribution from DAJ and SL

February 2019

Bullfinch - AdelDam

Bullfinch(m) - credit Chris Hardy

26th Feb
  Marsh hide

Single dunnock, long-tailed tit, magpie (carrying a stick) and roe deer (passing near Marsh hide at 7.30 am – [SB]) 
2 Blackbird (male and female)
2 Blue tit
2 Chaffinch (both male)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
4 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair)
5 Mandarin (four males; one female)
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
2 Robin

  Lake hide
Singe male bullfinch (in feeder area), carrion crow, coal tit, great spotted woodpecker (male), jay, long-tailed tit, magpie, reed bunting (calling in the reeds to the right of the hide for nearly an hour - couldn't be located) and song thrush (on path near steps to the hide) 
2 Blackbird (pair)
13 Black-headed gull
2 Blue tit
2 Buzzard
3 Coot (two birds feeding amicably until a third arrived - which was soon chased off)
2 Dunnock
4 Great tit
10 Mallard (seven males; three females)
5 Mandarin (three males; two females)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
3 Robin
5 Teal (three males; two females)
2 Woodpigeon

Contribution from CRH

Dunnock - AdelDam

Dunnock - credit Chris Hardy

25th Feb
  Marsh hide

Single blue tit and male brambling (reported by visitors) 
6 Chaffinch (three pairs)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
4 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
4 Mandarin (two pairs)
4 Nuthatch

  Lake hide
Single woodcock (flew over lake and landed behind reed bed. Two woodcock were spotted later on the edge of the reserve by visitors)
24 Black-headed gull
4 Blue tit
2 Buzzard
2 Coot
3 Dunnock
2 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
5 Red kite (in the sky at the same time as the buzzards without obvious conflict)
3 Robin
4 Teal (two pairs)

Also goldcrest calling in the yew tree area plus sightings of treecreeper reported by several visitors

Contribution from DAJ

24th Feb
A single pintail was seen at the Lake hide [PM]. Visitors [SS and others] also saw male shoveler and reported frog activity (croaking/mating) around the reserve

Brambling - AdelDam

Brambling - credit Dave Johnston

23rd Feb
  Marsh hide

Single carrion crow, dunnock, pheasant [Ly] and woodpigeon
3 Blackbird (two males; one female)
2 Blue tit
3 Chaffinch (two males; one female)
3 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two males; one female - plus drumming around the reserve)
4 Great tit
2 Jackdaw
3 Mallard (three males; one female)
7 Mandarin (four males; three females)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
2 Robin

  Lake hide
Single black-headed gull (male), coal tit, moorhen, nuthatch and teal (male)
32 Black-headed gull
2 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
2 Coot
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
2 Great tit
2 Jackdaw
12 Mallard (eight males; four females)
A song thrush was seen on a post overlooking the weir

  Other locations
On the eastern path (adjacent to Cooks field) were seen two long-tailed tit, two mistle thrush and twelve redpoll (feeding on the path)
A large flock (100+) of black-headed gull dispersed on Cooks field (eastern side of reserve) included at least one common gull (may have been more - this one was obvious being closest) and a juvenile (1st year) herring gull

Contribution from CRH

Chaffinch - AdelDam

Chaffinch - credit Chris Hardy

22nd Feb
  Marsh hide

Single brambling (male), red kite (overhead), water rail and woodpigeon
5 Blue tit
10 Chaffinch (ten pairs)
4 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
7 Great tit
3 Jay
2 Magpie
4 Mallard (two pairs)
4 Mandarin (two pairs)
2 Robin

  Lake hide
Single coot, dunnock, grey wagtail (female) and red kite
24 Black-headed gull
3 Blue tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (one male on feeders. Three others chasing each other over the lake)
2 Great tit
27 Greylag goose (flew over)
2 Jay
14 Mallard (seven pairs)
8 Mandarin (four pairs)
2 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
4 Robin
6 Teal (five males; one female)

Also female roe deer on Dohertys field (W side of reserve)

Contributions from DAJ

Nuthatch - Adel Dam

Nuthatch - credit Chris Hardy

19th Feb
  Marsh hide

Single male brambling (among the chaffinch), carrion crow and moorhen
5 Blue tit
12 Chaffinch (six pairs)
3 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female. Plus drumming all over the reserve)
5 Great tit
3 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
4 Mallard (two pairs)
16 Mandarin (eight pairs)
4 Nuthatch
4 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon
Also one bank vole

  Lake hide
Single dunnock and moorhen
5 Blue tit
3 Great tit
14 Mallard (seven pairs)
2 Nuthatch
4 Robin
6 Teal (three pairs)
Also one song thrush feeding on worms near the felled beech tree close to Lake hide

   Around the reserve
Single coal tit, three blue tit, five great tit, two nuthatch and four stock dove near the entrance area; single red kite and treecreeper around Dohertys field

Contribution from DAJ

Greylag goose - AdelDam

Greylag goose - credit Dave Johnston

17th Feb – Guide-in-the-hide with CRH, PM, PJ and JMcA
  Marsh hide
Single brambling (male), mistle thrush (singing near the hide), siskin (very skittish - didn't stay long), sparrowhawk (fly through), treecreeper and wren
3 Blackbird (two male; one female)
4 Blue tit
10 Chaffinch (five pairs)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female - much drumming from different directions during the session)
4 Great tit
2 Jay
3 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
6 Mallard (four male; two female)
14 Mandarin (nine male; five female)
3 Nuthatch
2 Pheasant (both male)
2 Robin
2 Stock dove
4 Woodpigeon
Also a roe deer feeding just across the stream

  Lake hide
Single great spotted woodpecker (female), grey heron, magpie, pheasant and shoveler (male)
2 Blackbird (pair)
17 Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (pair)
3 Carrion crow (plus 18 flying over)
4 Coal tit
2 Dunnock
5 Great tit
2 Long-tailed tit
7 Mallard (four male; three female)
3 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Red kite
4 Robin
8 Teal (five male; three female)
4 Woodpigeon

Also song thrush (feeding in the edge of the stream near the lake hide)

Shoveler - AdelDam

Shoveler(m) - credit Pam Jones

16th Feb
A visitor [Roon] saw a roe deer

15th February
  Marsh hide

Single carrion crow, robin and stock dove
5 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (three pairs)
4 Coal tit
2 Dunnock
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
7 Great tit
3 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
4 Mallard (two pairs)
4 Mandarin (two pairs)
3 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
4 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single great spotted woodpecker (male), grey heron, moorhen and reed bunting (male calling from bullrushes to right of the hide)
17 Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Long-tailed tit
10 Mallard (five pairs)
3 Nuthatch
2 Robin
6 Teal (five male; one female)

Around the reserve
Reported were: red kite, song thrush, greylag goose (two flying over [BT]), lapwing (twenty flying over [BT]), lesser redpoll (four near the east side path [SB]), mistle thrush(3), roe deer (two near the east side path [anon]) and treecreeper(2)

Contribution from DAJ

13-14th Feb
Visitors [AR, KH, Tom and PM] reported brambling, jay(2), mandarin, great spotted woodpecker and water rail at the marsh hide. Redpoll, redwing and buzzard were also seen around the reserve

Coal_Tit - AdelDam

Coal tit - credit Chris Hardy

12th Feb
  Marsh hide

Single brambling (male), magpie, robin, stock dove and teal (male)
3 Blackbird (two male; one female)
5 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (three pairs)
2 Coal tit
2 Dunnock
5 Great spotted woodpecker (chasing each other)
7 Great tit
2 Jay
4 Long-tailed tit
3 Mallard (two male; one female)
16 Mandarin (eight pairs)
3 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
2 Siskin (male and female landed briefly - more were heard but not seen)

  Lake hide
Single carrion crow, coal tit, nuthatch, shoveler [KH&SK]  and sparrowhawk (female [SB]) 
17 Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
2 Dunnock
4 Great tit
2 Greylag goose (pair landed on the lake)
10 Mallard (five pairs)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen (pair possibly nest building on the left side of the 'island')
3 Robin
8 Teal (five male; three female)
2 Woodpigeon

  Other locations
Single jay, red kite and wren around the reserve; roe deer in the panhandle area [AB].
Also 80+ black-headed gull and five carrion crow on Cooks field; three red kite circling over the entrance area (one landed in a nearby pine tree)

Contributions from CRH and DAJ

Mistle thrush - AdelDam

Mistle thrush - credit Chris Hardy

9th-11th Feb
Visitors reported brambling and stock dove at marsh hide [KH]; also ten lesser redpoll near to path on eastern side of reserve (adjacent to Cooks field) [JW]

8th Feb
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (male), coal tit, dunnock, nuthatch, water rail and woodpigeon
2 Blue tit
4 Chaffinch (two pairs)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
5 Great tit
5 Long-tailed tit
2 Mallard (pair)
6 Mandarin (three pairs)
3 Moorhen

  Lake hide
Single coal tit and moorhen
2 Blackbird (pair)
6 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
2 Dunnock
3 Great tit
4 Long-tailed tit
12 Mallard (six pairs)
3 Mandarin (two male; one female)
2 Nuthatch
4 Robin
10 Teal (seven male; three female)

  Other location
Single red kite (low flier), five carrion crow and sixty black-headed gull on/over Cooks field

Contribution from CRH 

Long-tailed tit - AdelDam

Long-tailed tit - credit Chris Hardy

6-7th Feb
Visitors [Hol, AG and Hil] reported nuthatch, robin, brambling, water rail and mandarin(12) at the marsh hide. 
Also great spotted woodpecker, nuthatch(2), coal tit(2) and long-tailed tit(4) from or near the lake hide

5th Feb
   Marsh hide

Single jay, robin, teal (male) and water rail
2 Blackbird (pair)
4 Blue tit
2 Brambling (pair)
4 Chaffinch (two pair)
2 Dunnock
3 Great spotted woodpecker (one male and two female)
4 Great tit
12 Mandarin
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Stock dove (pair)
Also a bank vole

   Lake hide   Still plenty of ice on the lake to cause problems for the mallards
Single nuthatch and robin (latter at close quarters on the hide window frame)
4 Black-headed gull
4 Blue tit
4 Great tit
4 Mallard (two pair)
4 Teal (three male and one female)

Contributions from AB, AS, BT, GP, KH and SL 

WaterRail - AdelDam

Water rail - credit Chris Hardy

4th Feb
   Marsh hide
 - pond partially frozen
Single brambling (male), chaffinch (female), nuthatch, pheasant (male), robin, teal (male) and water rail
5 Blackbird (three male; two female)
3 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Magpie
6 Mallard (five male; one female)
6 Mandarin (four male; two female)
2 Moorhen
2 Woodpigeon
Also near constant drumming of great spotted woodpecker from two areas in the wood (none on the feeders)

  Lake hide  - lake still completely frozen but large puddles of meltwater on the surface
Single dunnock, magpie, moorhen, nuthatch, pheasant (male), red kite and sparrowhawk (quick fly through the feeder area) 
2 Blackbird (pair)
4 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (two males around the feeder area)
2 Carrion crow
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
4 Mallard (three male; one female)
4 Robin
7 Teal (five male; two female)

  Cooks field 
Various species feeding on the meadow
46 Black-headed gull
2 Mistle thrush
22 Redwing
6 Starling

Contribution from CRH

1st-2nd Feb
Visitors reported brambling, robin, sparrowhawk, treecreeper and water rail

January 2019

31st Jan         Very still and cold (-40) morning (wonderful spiky hoarfrost on every branch and twig!)
  Marsh hide   - pond partially frozen 
Single blackbird (male), brambling (male), magpie and water rail (mostly under the boardwalk beneath the main feeders and also on far side of the pond) 
6 Blue tit
12 Chaffinch (six pairs)
3 Dunnock
3 Great spotted woodpecker (female on feeders and a pair chasing each other through the trees)
5 Great tit
4 Mallard (two pairs)
5 Mandarin (three male; two female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
3 Robin
2 Stock dove

   Lake hide – lake completely frozen and near empty of birds
Single coal tit
4 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (at least two birds calling close to the hide)
2 Dunnock
4 Great tit
2 Mallard (pair on the ice)
2 Nuthatch
6 Robin (including one in the hide looking for food  - or shelter!)

   Other locations
Three blackbird near the entrance, five different blackbird turning over leaves in the northern corner of the reserve, and 20+ redwing on the bridleway close by - feeding on fallen beechmast

Contribution from CRH

Chaffinch - AdelDam

Chaffinch(m) - credit Chris Hardy

29th Jan
    Marsh hide

Single blackbird (male), brambling (male), carrion crow, dunnock, magpie, moorhen, nuthatch, pheasant (male), treecreeper and water rail 
4 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (three pairs)
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female – plus lots of drumming in the woods)
4 Great tit
6 Mallard (three pairs)
5 Mandarin (three male; two female)
3 Robin

   Lake hide – almost completely frozen over
Single chaffinch (female), mallard (male), teal (male) and woodpigeon 
42 Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Dunnock
5 Great tit
3 Long-tailed tit
6 Robin

Also two treeecreeper and one red kite around the reserve

Contributions from CRH and DAJ

28th Jan
A visitor [Jan] saw nuthatch, teal and great spotted woodpecker

27th Jan
Anonymous visitors reported [via BT] great spotted woodpecker, mandarin, male brambling, water rail and a group of redpoll (10) at the marsh hide; gadwall, teal grey heron and kingfisher at the lake hide.
A mixed group of redwing and starling were seen on Cooks field? 

26th Jan
Visitors [J&SS, CC, Lu, PM] saw bullfinch and shoveler at the lake hide and water rail at the marsh hide. A group of redwing and an immature barn owl were seen on Cooks field

Redwing - AdelDam

Redwing - credit Chris Hardy

25th Jan
  Marsh hide

Single brambling, carrion crow, dunnock, pheasant (male), sparrowhawk (male - seen twice), teal (male), water rail (chased by two moorhen) and wren
2 Blackbird (male and female)
3 Blue tit
6 Chaffinch (three pairs)
2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
5 Great tit
2 Jay
6 Long-tailed tit
2 Magpie
5 Mandarin (three male; two female on the stream. More could be heard from further down the stream)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Red kite
3 Robin
3 Stock dove
4 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single coal tit, dunnock, grey wagtail, kingfisher (male), nuthatch, shoveler (male) and sparrowhawk (male) 
2 Blackbird (male and female)
16 Black-headed gull (on the ice - competing with mallard for duck pellets)
7 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch
2 Coal tit
15 Mallard (eight male; seven female)
3 Moorhen
3 Robin
8 Teal (five male; three female)

Also treecreeper (heard) and a large flock of redwing (approx. 110) feeding on Cooks field

Contribution from CRH with extras from DAJ and SB

Coal_Tit - AdelDam

Coal tit - credit Dave Johnston

23rd Jan
Visitors [DH, anon] reported a male sparrowhawk at the marsh hide; plus a pair of bullfinch and a lesser spotted woodpecker (unconfirmed) from around the reserve

22nd Jan
  Marsh hide

Single blackbird (female), brambling (male), robin and water rail ([SB]) 
7 Blue tit
12 Chaffinch (six pairs)
3 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
5 Great tit
20 Mandarin ([SB])
4 Nuthatch
Also two fox (possible pair) chasing each other in front of the hide [SB])

  Lake hide
Single kingfisher and shoveler (male) 
9 Black-headed gull
4 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
3 Great tit
20 Mallard (ten pairs)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
3 Robin
12 Teal

   Around the reserve
Single great spotted woodpecker (male) and red kite
2 Blue tit
4 Bullfinch (two male; two female)
6 Chaffinch (three pairs)
2 Great tit
2 Nuthatch
27 Redwing
2 Treecreeper
Siskin were also heard

Contribution from DAJ

21st Jan
Visitor [J&J&K and Sue] reported teal, water rail, brambling and a male(?) roe deer at the marsh hide. Also shoveler at the lake hide and treecreeper around the reserve

Brambling - AdelDam

Brambling - credit Chris Hardy

20th Jan  - sightings from Guide-in-the-hide session (BT, CC, DAJ, PM, JMcA, PJ) and a BTO Webs Survey (CRH, SL)
  Marsh hide
Single brambling (male feeding on the ground with a group of chaffinch and also on the feeder table), dunnock, magpie, pheasant, teal (male), treecreeper and water rail (showing well around the pond and driven off occasionally by moorhen (alarm calls) but also saw off a female blackbird. Fleeting glimpses of a second bird in the reeds/rushes.)
7 Blackbird (four male; three female)
6 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
12 Chaffinch (six pairs)
4 Coal tit
4 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; two female)
8 Great tit
3 Jay
6 Long-tailed tit
6 Mallard (three pairs)
16 Mandarin (eight pairs)
3 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
12 Redwing (a flock with eight unidentified finches)
3 Robin
3 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Singe bullfinch (male), dunnock, jay, kestrel, kingfisher and shoveler (male) 
2 Blackbird (pair)
18 Black-headed gull
3 Blue tit
3 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
3 Great tit
2 Kingfisher (two birds were seen fishing in the morning (10.30) and a single bird on show most of the afternoon)
2 Magpie
12 Mallard (seven male; five female)
2 Mandarin (pair)
4 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
5 Robin
2 Sparrowhawk (both male and female were seen)
7 Teal (six male; one female)
Also a large flock (50+) of what were most likely siskin feeding high in trees on far side of the lake

WaterRail - AdelDam

Water rail - credit Dave Johnston

19th Jan
Single brambling (male), bullfinch (male), treecreeper and water rail (in conflict with moorhen). 
Also six pair of chaffinch (six pairs), two male and one female great spotted woodpecker and three jay. All at the marsh hide [DAJ]

18th Jan
   Marsh hide

Single carrion crow, dunnock, magpie, pheasant ([SB]) and wren
4 Blackbird (two male; two female)
3 Blue tit
8 Chaffinch (four male; four female)
3 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
4 Great tit
2 Jay
2 Long-tailed tit
4 Mallard (three male; one female)
10 Mandarin (six male; four female)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
2 Redpoll
4 Robin
10 Stock dove
3 Woodpigeon
Also a single bank vole 

  Lake hide
Single red kite
7 Blackbird
4 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Dunnock
2 Gadwall (pair)
4 Great tit
2 Jay
5 Long-tailed tit
8 Mallard (four pairs)
3 Nuthatch
3 Robin
Also several teal calling in the lake margins - but well hidden

  Other location
A group of eight blackbird and two redwing turning over leaves close to the bridleway in north west corner of the reserve

Contributions from CRH and DAJ

Shoveler - AdelDam

Shoveler (m eclipse) - credit Chris Hardy

15th Jan
A visitor [PR] saw three female bullfinch at the lake hide

14th Jan
   Marsh hide

Single carrion crow, jay, mallard (male) and robin 
2 Blackbird (male)
5 Blue tit
4 Chaffinch (two male; two female)
2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (lots of activity with drumming from two areas and up to three birds chasing)
5 Great tit
3 Long-tailed tit
2 Mandarin (a pair on the stream)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
4 Redpoll 

  Lake hide
Single kingfisher (male - caught at least four fish during the session) and shoveler (male feeding close to the hide)
3 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (both male in willows to right of the hide)
2 Carrion crow
3 Great tit
8 Mallard (five male; three female)
3 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
4 Robin
15 Teal (ten male; five female)

Also red kite flying low over the reserve entrance

Contribution from CRH

12-13th Jan
Visitors reported [via BT] redpoll, two pairs of great spotted woodpecker and a male sparrowhawk at the marsh hide. Also a shoveler on the lake plus roe deer and a flock of siskin near the reserve entrance


Black-headed gull - Adel Dam

Black-headed gull (skating?) - credit Dave Johnston

11th Jan
  Marsh hide

Single brambling [CJ], carrion crow, robin, siskin (female with the group of chaffinch) 
2 Blackbird (both male)
8 Blue tit
12 Chaffinch (six pairs)
4 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female - birds were heard drumming from two different locations near the hide at 8.30 am [SB])
7 Great tit
3 Jay
3 Long-tailed tit
4 Magpie
4 Mallard (two pairs)
14 Mandarin (seven pairs)
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
8 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon

  Lake hide
Single kingfisher (male), magpie, red kite and shoveler (male) 
17 Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
5 Great tit
2 Jay
3 Long-tailed tit
14 Mallard (seven pairs)
2 Moorhen
4 Robin
12 Teal (eight male; four female)

  Other location
A mistle thrush and four blue tit were seen around the reserve

Contribution from DAJ

9th Jan
  Marsh hide

Bullfinch (calling), jay, long-tailed tit, teal (male) and treecreeper
4 Blackbird (three male; one female)
7 Blue tit
8 Chaffinch (four male; four female)
3 Coal tit
2 Dunnock
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
7 Great tit
3 Mallard (two male; one female)
4 Mandarin (two pairs; one pair mated)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
3 Lesser redpoll ??  (perched briefly in trees near the stream)
2 Robin
5 Stock dove
3 Woodpigeon (one bird attempted mating with a female mandarin on the feeder table!!)

Contributions from DAJ and CRH

Gadwall - AdelDam

Gadwall(m) - credit Dave Johnston

8th Jan
   Marsh hide

Single buzzard, dunnock, mallard (male), sparrowhawk (male - unsuccessful dive on the feeders), stock dove and teal (male) 
4 Blackbird (three male; one female)
5 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
3 Chaffinch (two male; one female)
2 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
6 Great tit
2 Jay
3 Magpie
6 Mandarin (three male; three female)
3 Moorhen
3 Nuthatch
3 Robin
Also an otter which bounded along the stream bank before disappearing into the water, scattering ducks skywards. Didn't appear to get as far as the lake hide

   Lake hide
Single coal tit, cormorant (flew in, looked confused - water too shallow ? - and flew off), dunnock, kestrel, kingfisher (male fishing close to the hide for 30 min. Several dives of more than ten feet), nuthatch, red kite, shoveler (male first winter), sparrowhawk (likely the same male as seen at the marsh hide – same result) and woodpigeon
24 Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
2 Carrion crow
4 Great tit
2 Jay
4 Magpie
16 Mallard (ten male; six female)
3 Moorhen
4 Robin
12 Teal (eight male; four female)

   Other locations
Male blackbird, three carrion crow, five woodpigeon and a flock of redwing (20+) with at least one mistle thrush – all on Cooks field. Also male chaffinch, four blue tit, two coal tit and eight great tit near the entrance

Contributions from CRH and DAJ

7th Jan
Visitors [EA, JD, KS and Pi] reported shoveler, sparrowhawk and otter on the lake. 
Also bullfinch, great spotted woodpecker, jay, nuthatch, red kite and treecreeper around the reserve

Mandarin(f) - AdelDam

Mandarin(f) - credit Chris Hardy

6th Jan

Marsh hide
Single chaffinch (female), dunnock, magpie, nuthatch, robin and woodpigeon
2 Blackbird (male and female)
3 Blue tit
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female separately on the feeders several times, often with another bird drumming near the hide)
4 Great tit
3 Mallard (two male; one female)
13 Mandarin (eight male; five female on the pond)
2 Moorhen

Lake hide
Single coal tit, kingfisher (male fishing actively close to the hide during the session), nuthatch and  shoveler (male first winter?) 
2 Blackbird (male and female)
26 Black-headed gull
6 Blue tit
4 Great tit
6 Long-tailed tit
6 Mallard (four male; two female)
2 Mandarin (pair)
2 Moorhen
5 Robin (together in the feeder area at the same time!!)
9 Teal (five male; four female)

 Other location
Two carrion crow, eight rook and 35 starling on Cooks field

Contribution from CRH

Nuthatch - Adel Dam

Nuthatch - credit Dave Johnston

4th Jan

Marsh hide
Single black-headed gull, grey wagtail, long-tailed tit and mallard (male) 
6 Blue tit
6 Bullfinch (four male; two female)
3 Carrion crow
4 Chaffinch (two pairs)
3 Coal tit
3 Great spotted woodpecker (two male; one female)
6 Great tit
3 Jay
3 Magpie
14 Mandarin (eight male; six female)
2 Moorhen
4 Nuthatch
3 Robin
8 Stock dove
5 Woodpigeon

Lake hide
Single dunnock, red kite and shoveler (female) 
4 Black-headed gull
5 Blue tit
3 Coal tit
3 Great tit
2 Kingfisher (one was a male - seen by many visitors, including several 'first-timers' - the other flew too quickly to tell)
4 Long-tailed tit
8 Mallard (four pairs)
2 Moorhen
2 Nuthatch
4 Robin
2 Sparrowhawk (both male and female seen)
17 Teal (thirteen male; four female)

Contribution from DAJ

An anonymous couple saw two roe deer on the path near the entrance

3rd Jan
A visitor [AB] saw twenty teal, a kingfisher and female shoveler at the lake hide, mink chasing squirrels at the marsh hide and large flocks of finches (siskin, redpoll and some bullfinch) and winter thrushes around the reserve.

Kingfisher - Adel Dam

Kingfisher(m) - credit Kia Ng

1st Jan
Marsh hide

Single magpie, moorhen and sparrowhawk (a fly through reported by visitors)
2 Blackbird (male and female)
4 Blue tit
3 Carrion crow
4 Chaffinch (two male; two female)
2 Coal tit
2 Great spotted woodpecker (male and female)
4 Great tit
2 Jay (both on feeder table)
4 Mallard (two pairs)
16 Mandarin (eight pairs - most ended up on the feeder table)
3 Nuthatch
2 Robin
4 Stock dove
2 Woodpigeon
Also 12 grey squirrel feasting on food kicked off the feeder table by the mandarin hordes

Lake hide
Single coal tit, magpie, nuthatch and kingfisher (around the lake during the morning)
22 Black-headed gull (on the lake – a group of 80+ flew over the lake earlier)
4 Blue tit
3 Great tit
6 Long-tailed tit
8 Mallard (four male; four female)
2 Mandarin (pair)
4 Moorhen
3 Robin
39 Teal (twenty-one male; eighteen female)

Other locations
Single chaffinch, jay, kestrel and magpie
2 Blackbird (pair)
13 Blue tit
2 Bullfinch (pair - seen)
2 Coal tit
2 Great tit
11 Long-tailed tit
2 Mistle thrush
5 Redwing
3 Treecreeper

Contributions from CRH and DAJ.

Sightings from previous years: