First-ever spotting at Spurn Point
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust were very excited in mid-July to record the discovery of the first white-letter hairstreak butterfly at Spurn!
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust were very excited in mid-July to record the discovery of the first white-letter hairstreak butterfly at Spurn!
Volunteering on a nature reserve turned Adam’s life around after a difficult time in life. As Assistant Reserve Officer, wildlife is both his stress relief and his career.
A species thought lost from Spurn Point National Nature Reserve since the 1990s – and which clings on in only small populations elsewhere in the area – has for the first time in 30 years flowered…
Imagine our surprise earlier this year when reports of a rare mammal - more at home in remote woodlands - began to reach us at Spurn National Nature Reserve.
Georgia Bennett, our Seagrass Restoration Assistant, takes us through how the team are working throughout the year to restore 30 hectares of lost seagrass meadow at Spurn Point as part of our…
Recently, part of the route that leads down to Spurn point has been affected by winter storms. Adam, who manages our Spurn Discovery Centre, explains how coastal erosion affects Spurn and why it…
Wellbeing Walk leader Daphne takes us on an autumnal visit to Spurn...