Upper Park Wood Nature Reserve
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
March to MayAbout the reserve
Oak woodland with an understorey of holly and a ground flora rich in bluebells, Upper Park Wood was probably once part of a game park for deer and wild boar, as part of the ancient Manor of Almondbury.
A network of paths allow you to experience excellent views from the nature reserve, as well as encounter a variety of habitats; woodland edge, field and path margins, pond, wet areas, hedges and dry stone walls. Hazel is coppiced to improve the woodland structure, allowing sunlight in through the canopy to the benefit of butterflies and ground flora, wildflowers like foxglove found on the woodland fringes indicate the acidic nature of the soil. A small pond, created by damming a stream, provides important habitat for insects and amphibians.
Oak wood woodland with an understorey of holly and a ground flora rich in bluebells, Upper Park Wood was probably once part of a game park for deer and wild boar, as part of the ancient Manor of Almondbury.
A good network of paths allows you to experience excellent views from the nature reserve, as well as encounter a wide variety of habitats; woodland edge, field and path margins, pond, wet areas, acid grassland, hedges and dry stone walls. The acid nature of the soil is reflected by the plant species growing on the nature reserve, including foxglove, heath bedstraw and sheep’s sorrel which thrive on the site, along with bilberry and heather. The pond was created by damming a stream, and in one of the fields a shallow scrape has also been created.
Seasonal highlights
- Spring: Plants - Blackthorn; Wild cherry; Bluebell
- Summer: Plants - Foxglove; Birds - Buzzard
- Autumn: Plants - Fungi
- Winter: Plants - Holly; Mammals - Roe deer
The south facing hillside lies on the lower coal measures, made up of layers of shale and sandstone, with coal seams above some of the sandstone beds. Until the early 1900s the richer seams were worked along the valley. Evidence of two coal pits can be seen adjacent to the steps up the side of the wood, marked by the profuse growth of Western gorse.
Designated as a Local Nature Reserve in 1987, the site took its name from a tiny remnant of ancient deciduous woodland. Owned by Kirklees Metropolitan Council and managed jointly with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, the site has grown with the acquisition of adjacent fields which have since been planted with a variety of native trees and shrub species. Much of the woodland management is carried out by a group of enthusiastic volunteers with the aim of maintaining and increasing biodiversity where possible.
Public transport
A bus service passes the nature reserve, or take a bus from Huddersfield to Holmfirth and alight at Honley Bridge then take Northgate. Nearest train station at Honley, an hourly service runs between Huddersfield and Sheffield.
By car
Approach via Northgate, a left turn off the A616 from Huddersfield, immediately after the A6024 turn-off towards Holmfirth. After a steep climb, of about 0.75 miles you reach a high wall which can be parked against.